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Missing "messages" window after compilation in IntelliJ

I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 12. When I run "make project", "debug" or "run" task it does some compiling, shows little bubble that there are warnings, shows grayed-out tool window "message" and after few seconds it hides the nameplate of messages window.

Why is compile log missing? What to do to fix this? I'd like to see (in IDE) what causes those warnings...

PS: I'm not sure, but it might started doing this when I started using Scala (it's now a mixed Scala-Java project).

like image 962
monnef Avatar asked Oct 19 '13 08:10


1 Answers

If you've previously selected "Hide Warnings" then the Messages window is unavailable if there are no compilation errors. It is not even possible to show the empty window using View->Tool Windows-> Message or Alt-0.


  1. introduce a compilation error
  2. build, the Messages window should reappear to show your error (or at least be accessible via the View menu)
  3. go to the Messages window and deselect Hide Warnings
  4. fix the compilation error
  5. Rebuild Project and all your warnings will be visible

(I had the same symptoms on 13.0.2 and this worked for me)

like image 156
barclar Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 08:10
