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Image Manipulation with Javascript?

I'm trying to write a greasemonkey script, and it would be preferable for it to be able to work with images (specifically, find the darkest pixel in an image). Is there a way to do this or must I embed flash?

like image 282
Logan Serman Avatar asked Dec 14 '08 03:12

Logan Serman

People also ask

What is image manipulation in JavaScript?

You can use Javascript to get at and manipulate images. This may involve creating new images, setting up an array of images, changing the source attribute in the BODY tag, or just doing some simple (or not so simple) animation with them.

Can JavaScript do image processing?

js is a powerful tool which provides a wide range of functions. Other than Filtrr2 and CamanJS, it works with WebGL. The cool thing about this is, that image processing operations are done using the graphic card and can therefore run in real-time. The main drawback is that it will only be supported in newer browsers.

What is Caman js?

CamanJS is (ca)nvas (man)ipulation in Javascript. It's a combination of a simple-to-use interface with advanced and efficient image/canvas editing techniques.

2 Answers

Since it's Firefox specific, you can use a canvas element. I've never written a greasemonkey script, so I don't know exactly how you would do it, but the idea is, you create a new canvas element and draw the image onto the canvas. Then, you can get the pixel values from the canvas.

// Create the canvas element
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = image.width;
canvas.height = image.height;

// Draw the image onto the canvas
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0);

// Get the pixel data
var imageData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

// Loop through imageData.data - an array with 4 values per pixel: red, green, blue, and alpha
for (int x = 0; x < imageData.width; x++) {
    for (int y = 0; y < imageData.height; y++) {
        var index = 4 * (y * imageData.width + x);
        var r = imageData.data[index];
        var g = imageData.data[index + 1];
        var b = imageData.data[index + 2];
        var a = imageData.data[index + 3];

        // Do whatever you need to do with the rgba values
like image 95
Matthew Crumley Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 17:09

Matthew Crumley

Scrap the

var r = imageData.data[index];
var g = imageData.data[index + 1];
var b = imageData.data[index + 2];
var a = imageData.data[index + 3];

part, Javascript doesn't pass by reference.

like image 23
hcalves Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 17:09
