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Create string out of multi dimensional children array with group nodes

I have this deeply nested array with group of node which i want to create query string something like

(FULL_NAME="x" AND NOT(AGE="30" OR AGE="40" AND (ADDRESS="y" AND STREET="z" AND NOT(USER="admin" OR USER="super admin"))) AND TITLE="Developer")

The json data i have is,

  • list of nodes to receive user input
  • operator to handle multiple node joining
  • if user selects to NOT, the main container which contains it will not have the nodes so it will look like this NOT (X="y" AND Y="x")
  • The first vertical operators are joiner of children and if we choose to have NOT operator, this container becomes a group and will have another container inside it having AND or OR
  • user can choose between NOT, AND, OR but cannot have same operator if they tries to group them which only applicable if it was NOT operator.

My array looks like:

                                       "operator":" > ",

which looks like this in the UI ui-preview

I've tried several ways to generate string out of it but I am having trouble with grouping deeply nested nodes.


like image 927
Robin Avatar asked Oct 19 '20 11:10


4 Answers

You could take for nodes and children different callbacks and collect the items for getting a string.

    data = [{ uuid: "b7f0ddf4-0290-4c7e-bb59-771aa46bc850", operator: "AND", isMain: true, nodes: [{ values: { fieldValue: { FieldName: "ORIGINAL_FILE_NAME" }, operator: "=", primaryOperandValue: "new" }, uuid: "779fb920-eb7f-4441-9b5a-886c7a41e271" }], children: [{ uuid: "7467b8c9-212e-41b8-ac02-04296b95c88c", operator: "NOT", nodes: [], children: [{ operator: "AND", uuid: "eaad7c96-0e8f-466b-a255-1075a8e68647", nodes: [{ uuid: "f6057d1b-56d7-4ee6-ac5b-332fbd180fd4", values: { fieldValue: { FieldName: "CONTROL_NUMBER" }, operator: "BETWEEN", primaryOperandValue: "x", secondaryOperandValue: "y" } }], children: [{ uuid: "95fd2b08-cc49-498a-bd9f-c50dc55bc39f", operator: "NOT", nodes: [], children: [{ uuid: "7637ecc1-28b4-47d7-a602-cd172fb5e269", operator: "OR", nodes: [{ uuid: "0598a915-5818-4c6e-a3d5-6724f893871a", values: { fieldValue: { FieldName: "CONTROL_NUMBER" }, operator: " > ", primaryOperandValue: "30", secondaryOperandValue: null } }], children: [] }] }] }] }, { uuid: "78218b5b-b18b-4418-beed-b3418361785f", operator: "OR", nodes: [{ uuid: "ec956407-4fc6-46df-baa7-d2233711dc20", values: { fieldValue: { FieldName: "EMAIL_ANY_ADDRESS" }, operator: "ENDS_WITH", primaryOperandValue: "log", secondaryOperandValue: null } }, { values: { fieldValue: { FieldName: "EMAIL_ANY_ADDRESS" }, operator: "BEGINS_WITH", primaryOperandValue: "log", secondaryOperandValue: null }, uuid: "6724e913-6e98-47b6-b6af-972a20f0173d" }], children: [] }] }],
    QUOTE = '"',
    wrap = string => `(${string})`,
    quote = string => `${QUOTE}${string}${QUOTE}`,
    isUnary = s => ['NOT'].includes(s),
    getNodes = ({ values: { fieldValue: { FieldName }, operator, primaryOperandValue, secondaryOperandValue } }) => secondaryOperandValue === null || secondaryOperandValue === undefined
        ? `${FieldName} ${operator.trim()} ${quote(primaryOperandValue)}`
        : `${FieldName} ${operator.trim()} ${quote(primaryOperandValue)} AND ${quote(secondaryOperandValue)}`,
    getChildren = ({ operator, nodes = [], children = [] }) => {
        const values = [...nodes.map(getNodes), ...children.map(getChildren)]
        return isUnary(operator)
            ? `${operator} ${values.join('')}`
            : wrap(values.join(` ${operator} `));
    result = data.map(getChildren).join('');

like image 70
Nina Scholz Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 07:11

Nina Scholz

Try using recursion, e.g

const queryObject = [
                                       "operator":" > ",

const operatorString = (items) => items.map(
  ({operator, nodes, children, isMain }) => {
    const nodeString = nodes.map(({ values }) => {
      const {fieldValue, operator, primaryOperandValue, secondaryOperandValue} = values
      return fieldValue.FieldName + ' ' + operator + (secondaryOperandValue ?  '("' + primaryOperandValue + '", "' + secondaryOperandValue + '")' : ' "' + primaryOperandValue + '"')
    }).join(" " + operator + " ")
    return "( " + nodeString + ' ' + operator + operatorString(children) + " )"

like image 35
Owen Kelvin Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 06:11

Owen Kelvin

Not complete, but hopefully this can give you a good, readable start

function processNodes( node ) {
  var nodeStr = " Node [" + node.values.operator + "]";
  switch (node.values.operator) {
    case "=": 
    case " > ":
    case "<":
    case "ENDS_WITH":
    case "BEGINS_WITH":
      nodeStr = node.values.fieldValue.FieldName;
      nodeStr += " " + node.values.operator;
      nodeStr += " " + node.values.primaryOperandValue;
  return nodeStr;

function processCommands ( cmdArray, operator ) {
  var cmdStr = '';

  for (var i = 0; i < cmdArray.length; i++)
    if (cmdArray[i].nodes.length > 0) {  
    cmdStr += " ( ";
      for (var j = 0; j < cmdArray[i].nodes.length; j++) {
        if (j > 0) {
          cmdStr += " " + cmdArray[i].operator + " ";
        cmdStr += processNodes(cmdArray[i].nodes[j]);
      cmdStr += " ) ";
    if ( cmdStr || cmdArray[i].children.length > 0) {
        cmdStr += " " + cmdArray[i].operator + " ";
    if (cmdArray[i].children.length > 0) {      
      cmdStr += " " + processCommands(cmdArray[i].children, cmdArray[i].operator);

  return cmdStr;


var cmdArray = [
                                        "operator":" > ",

like image 2
Richard Hubley Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 05:11

Richard Hubley

You could do something like this. It uses a handful of helper functions and a main recursive function

const init = () => {
    //  special logic to handle javascript to SQL
    const nodeToClause = (node) => {
        let r = [];
        switch (node.values.operator) {
            case 'BETWEEN':
               r = [node.values.fieldValue.FieldName,node.values.operator,node.values.primaryOperandValue,node.values.secondaryOperandValue];
            case '=':
            case 'BEGINS_WITH':
            case 'ENDS_WITH':
                r = [node.values.fieldValue.FieldName,node.values.operator,`"${node.values.primaryOperandValue}"`];
               r = [node.values.fieldValue.FieldName,node.values.operator,node.values.primaryOperandValue];
        return r.join(' ');
    //  serialize
    const toSQL = (statement) => {
        let r = '';
        const glue = ' ' + statement.operator + ' ';
        if (statement.nodes.length) {
            r = statement.nodes.map(nodeToClause).join(glue);    
        return r;
    // helps with formatting. not necessary, but nice
    const tabs = (n) => {
        const t = ['\n'];
        let i = 0;
        while (i < n) {
        return t.join('');
    //  the recursive function that does all the work
    const recurse = (queryFragment, joiner, level=0) => {
        let r = "";
        if (Array.isArray(queryFragment)) {
            r = queryFragment.map(frag => {
                return recurse(frag, frag.operator, level);
        } else {
            r = tabs(level) + toSQL(queryFragment);
            if ("children" in queryFragment && queryFragment.children.length) {
                r += ' ' + queryFragment.operator + ' (' +  recurse(queryFragment.children,queryFragment.operator,level+1) + tabs(level) + ') ';
        return r;
    //  load the data into DOM
    const x = recurse(query,';');
    output.innerText = x;


// output to screen
window.setTimeout(init, 997);
const output = document.getElementById('output');

// test data
const query = [
                                       "operator":" > ",
pre {
    -moz-tab-size:    4;
    -o-tab-size:      4;
    tab-size:         4;
    font-family: "Courier";
    font-weight: bold;
    color: saddlebrown;
body {
   background-color: #bbbf3e94;
<pre class="text" id="output"></pre>
like image 1
code_monk Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 06:11
