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Frameworks for JavaScript UI Widgets? [closed]



I'm trying to put together a list of JavaScript UI widget frameworks for consideration in a project. Ideally it would be a library that has a range of ready made ui widgets, no dependencies on dom/js extention/manipulation frameworks like JQuery or Prototype, minimal additional cruft, such as Ajax API's and DOM selectors etc.

Here's what I have so far:

  • qooxdoo,
  • ScriptClient
  • ExtJs

Could anyone suggest any other that are worth a look?

Please do not suggest, JQuery, Prototype, Mootools, Dojo etc, their primary focus is not to provide ui widgets.

like image 658
ChrisInCambo Avatar asked Dec 05 '08 08:12


People also ask

Is JavaScript a UI framework?

Thus, JavaScript has become a leader, because it allows you to implement an infinite number of browser solutions, from web front-end to complex browser calculations. At the moment, most applications are Web-oriented and have a UI layer written in JavaScript.

Which JavaScript framework should I learn 2022?

React JS React is the most popular web framework in 2022, with over 40% of professional developers saying they use it extensively. It is an open-source JavaScript library developed by Facebook and used to build highly responsive user interfaces.

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Next.js is a React framework that gives you building blocks to create web applications. By framework, we mean Next.js handles the tooling and configuration needed for React, and provides additional structure, features, and optimizations for your application.

2 Answers

Answered here: Your choice of cross-browser javascript GUI and here: What are alternatives to ExtJS?

like image 52
Sergey Ilinsky Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 06:10

Sergey Ilinsky

YUI (yahoo user interface) has a nice set of ui widgets.

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Satya Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 06:10
