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HTML5 formatting on MacOS X? (preferably with TextMate)

Are there any editors or bundles available for MacOS X that support formatting of HTML5 documents? Tidy errors out on newer tags like canvas.

like image 312
Eric the Red Avatar asked Jan 22 '11 20:01

Eric the Red

2 Answers

This question talks about how to make Tidy work with HTML5; tweaking the TextMate bundle's command line to use these params should work.

like image 112
Phrogz Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 20:11


I managed to add a HTML5 Tidy to TextMate by using the information found in this question. Tidy does not seem to accept a custom string as a DocType, so I used a TextMate macro to insert a valid one. There probably is a more elegant way of doing this, but it gets the job done!

To start off, we need to create a TextMate command for Tidy that plays nice with HTML5. Access the "Bundle Editor" from the Bundles menu, and create a new command containing the following:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby -wKU

require ENV['TM_SUPPORT_PATH'] + '/lib/ui.rb'
require ENV['TM_SUPPORT_PATH'] + '/lib/exit_codes.rb'

result = `"${TM_TIDY:-tidy}" -f /tmp/tm_tidy_errors -iq -utf8 \
          -wrap 0 --tab-size $TM_TAB_SIZE --indent-spaces $TM_TAB_SIZE \
          --indent yes \
          ${TM_XHTML:+-asxhtml --output-xhtml yes} \
          ${TM_SELECTED_TEXT:+--show-body-only yes} \
          --enclose-text yes \
          --doctype omit \
          --new-blocklevel-tags article,header,footer \
          --new-inline-tags video,audio,canvas,ruby,rt,rp \
          --break-before-br yes --vertical-space yes \
          --wrap-php no \
          --tidy-mark no`
status = $?.exitstatus

at_exit { File.unlink('/tmp/tm_tidy_errors') } # Clean up error log

if status == 2 # Errors

  msg = "Errors: " + File.read('/tmp/tm_tidy_errors')
  TextMate.exit_show_tool_tip msg

elsif status == 1 # Warnings - use output but also display notification with warnings

  log = File.read('/tmp/tm_tidy_errors').to_a.select do |line|
    ! (ENV['TM_SELECTED_TEXT'] and (line.include?('Warning: missing <!DOCTYPE> declaration') or line.include?("Warning: inserting missing 'title' element")))
  end.join rescue nil

  unless log.empty?
    options = {
      :title   => "Tidy Warnings",
      :summary => "Warnings for tidying your document (press escape to close):",
      :log     => log


  print result
  in_pre = false
  result.each_line do |line|
    unless in_pre
      tab_size = ENV["TM_TAB_SIZE"].to_i
      space, text = /( *)(.*)/m.match(line)[1..2]
      line = "\t" * (space.length / tab_size).floor + " "  * (space.length % tab_size) + text

    print line

    in_pre = true  if line.include?("<pre>")
    in_pre = false if line.include?("</pre>")

Name this command something along the lines of "HTML5 Tidy". Set the scope selection to "text.html". We'll set up a keyboard shortcut in a moment. Note that the "doctype" switch has been set to "omit", which removes the DocType declaration entirely.

You then need to record a macro from the Bundles menu with the following actions:

  • Selecting the "HTML5 Tidy" command you just created
  • Pressing CMD+Up to move to the beginning of the document
  • Typing <!DOCTYPE html>
  • Inserting a new line

Select the "Save Last Recording" menu item to store the macro. Name it something appropriate, such as "HTML5 Tidy + DocType", and set its scope to "text.html". You can then assign a keyboard shortcut for your completed macro using the "Key Equivalent" input.

This should allow you to use Tidy on your HTML5 documents without any problems.

like image 2
Jeevan Takhar Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 20:11

Jeevan Takhar