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Web workers - How do they work?

I'm trying to understand this example:

HTML (main code):

     <title>Test threads fibonacci</title>  

     <div id="result"></div>  

     <script language="javascript">  

       var worker = new Worker("fibonacci.js");  

       worker.onmessage = function(event) {  
         document.getElementById("result").textContent = event.data;  
         dump("Got: " + event.data + "\n");  

       worker.onerror = function(error) {  
         dump("Worker error: " + error.message + "\n");  
         throw error;  



Javascript (worker code):

   var results = [];  

   function resultReceiver(event) {  
     if (results.length == 2) {  
       postMessage(results[0] + results[1]);  

   function errorReceiver(event) {  
     throw event.data;  

   onmessage = function(event) {  
     var n = parseInt(event.data);  

     if (n == 0 || n == 1) {  

     for (var i = 1; i <= 2; i++) {  
       var worker = new Worker("fibonacci.js");  
       worker.onmessage = resultReceiver;  
       worker.onerror = errorReceiver;  
       worker.postMessage(n - i);  

I have the following questions:

  • When exactly the worker code starts to run ? Immediately after the execution of var worker = new Worker("fibonacci.js"); ?

  • Is that true that onmessage = function(event) { ... } assignment in the worker code will be executed before worker.postMessage("5"); in the main code ?

  • Can worker code access global variables that are defined in the main code (like worker)?

  • Can main code access global variables that are defined in the worker code (like results)?

  • It seems to me that worker.onmessage = function(event) {...} in the main code has the same meaning like onmessage = function(event) {...} in the worker code (which is onmessage event handler of the worker). Where am I wrong ? What is the difference between them ?

  • What this code should actually do ? When I run it here it just prints "5". Is that what it is supposed to do, or I'm missing something ?

Thanks a lot !

like image 718
Misha Moroshko Avatar asked May 24 '10 11:05

Misha Moroshko

People also ask

How does a web worker work?

A web worker is a piece of browser functionality. It is the real OS threads that can be spawned in the background of your current page so that it can perform complex and resource-intensive tasks. Imagine that you have some large data to fetch from the server, or some complex rendering needs to be done on the UI.

What are web workers good for?

Web Workers are primarily used for CPU-intensive tasks to be run in the background without any network connectivity required to work on the tasks.

Is web worker same as service worker?

What is a Service Worker? Unlike Web Workers, Service Workers have a dedicated role of being a proxy between the network and the browser and/or cache. Similar to Web Workers, they are registered in the primary JavaScript file as a dedicated worker.

Does web worker have access to window?

Web workers and service workers # Both run in a secondary thread, allowing JavaScript code to execute without blocking the main thread and the user interface. They don't have access to the Window and Document objects, so they can't interact with the DOM directly, and they have limited access to browser APIs.

2 Answers

Check out HTML5 Rocks: The Basics of Web Workers for general tutorial.

  • Workers will start as soon as you call the postMessage method of the worker.
  • the function bound to worker's onmessage in the main code will work when the worker calls postMessage.
  • global variables are not shared between main and worker threads. The only way to pass data is through messaging via postMessage.
  • as you suspected, the onmessage on both worker and main code has the same meaning. It is an event handler for when the thread receives a message event. You can even use addEventListener instead, catching message event:

Main Code:

function showResult(event) {  
   document.getElementById("result").textContent = event.data;  
   dump("Got: " + event.data + "\n");  
var worker = new Worker("fibonacci.js");
worker.addEventListener('message', showResult, false);

Worker code:

addEventListener('message', resultReceiver, false);

The fibonacci example you took is a recursive worker example. If not using workers, it would be something like this:

function fibonacci(n) {
    if (n == 0 || n == 1) return n;
    return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2);

var result = fibonacci(5);
dump("Got: " + result + "\n");

(oh no, I'm not going to do a stackless for you. You write it yourself!)

like image 133
syockit Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 02:11


I also want to add that you can debug web workers only in Chromium based browsers. You have to select Sources in developer panel and in right column expand bottom line Workers and then choose check box pause on start.

like image 34
r90t Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 01:11
