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How to write a Twisted client plugin




I have used twisted to implement a client. It works fine. Now I want to be able to pass command line arguments to it, so I need to implement a twisted plugin. I have performed many searches to find resources that would show how to convert the program to a plugin. However I couldn't find exactly what I as looking for.

Here is a related part of my client.py code:

import sys import time import os import errno import re from stat import * global runPath  runPath = '/home/a02/Desktop/'  from twisted.python import log from GlobalVariables import * from twisted.internet import reactor, threads, endpoints from time import sleep from twisted.internet.protocol import ClientFactory# , Protocol from twisted.protocols import basic import copy   class MyChat(basic.LineReceiver):     def connectionMade(self):         print "Connected to the server!"         EchoClientFactory.buildClientObject(self.factory, self)         self.runPythonCommands = RunPythonCommands ()         return      def connectionLost(self, reason):         print "Lost Connection With Server!"         #self.factory.clients.remove(self)         #self.transport.loseConnection()         print 'connection aborted!'         #reactor.callFromThread(reactor.stop)         reactor.stop ()         return      def lineReceived(self, line):         #print "received", repr(line)         line = line.strip ()         if line == "EOF":             print "Test Completed"         self.factory.getLastReceivedMsg (line)         exeResult = self.runPythonCommands.runPythonCommand(line.strip())          self.sendLine(exeResult)         EchoClientFactory.lastReceivedMessage = ""         EchoClientFactory.clientObject[0].receivedMessages = []         return      def message (self, line):         self.sendLine(line)         #print line         return   class EchoClientFactory(ClientFactory):     protocol = MyChat     clientObject = []     lastReceivedMessage = ''      def buildClientObject (self, newClient):         client = Client ()         self.clientObject.append(client)         self.clientObject[0].objectProtocolInstance = newClient          return      def getLastReceivedMsg (self, message):         self.lastReceivedMessage = message         self.clientObject [0].lastReceivedMsg = message         self.clientObject[0].receivedMessages.append (message)         return      def connectionLost (self):         reactor.stop()         return      def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):         print 'Connection failed. Reason:', reason         connector.connect ()          return 

Here is what I wrote for my client_plugin.py:

from zope.interface import implements from twisted.python import usage from twisted.plugin import IPlugin from twisted.application.service import IServiceMaker from twisted.application.internet import TCPServer from twisted.spread import pb from slave.client import EchoClientFactory,MyChat, Client, RunPythonCommands, MyError, line   class Options(usage.Options):     optParameters = [["port", "p", 8789, "The port number to listen on."], ["host", "h", "", "The host to connect to"]]  class MyServiceMaker(object):     implements(IServiceMaker, IPlugin)     tapname = "echoclient"     description = "Echo Client"     options = Options      def makeService(self, options):         clientfactory = pb.PBServerFactory(EchoClientFactory ())         return TCPServer(options["host"],int(options["port"]), clientfactory)  serviceMaker = MyServiceMaker() 

I have used the same folder hierarchy mentioned in the documentation. As I haven't been able to find enough examples of plugins on the web, I'm really stuck at this point. I would appreciate any help. Could anybody tell me how to change the code? Thank you in advance.

like image 860
user823743 Avatar asked Apr 10 '15 04:04


1 Answers

Should you perhaps be using the tac files to run it from command line?


Then using your MyChat class should be easier in another program...

like image 69
Dima Tisnek Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 21:11

Dima Tisnek