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pip-installed uWSGI ./python_plugin.so error




I've installed uWSGI using pip and start it up with an XML to load my application. The XML config contains <plugin>python</plugin>. On my new server it leads to an error:

open("./python_plugin.so"): No such file or directory [core/utils.c line 3321] !!! UNABLE to load uWSGI plugin: ./python_plugin.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory !!! 

I can find the .c and the .o versions:

sudo find / -name 'python_plugin.c' /srv/www/li/venv/build/uwsgi/build/uwsgi/plugins/python/python_plugin.c /srv/www/li/venv/build/uwsgi/plugins/python/python_plugin.c sudo find / -name 'python_plugin.o' /srv/www/li/venv/build/uwsgi/build/uwsgi/plugins/python/python_plugin.o /srv/www/li/venv/build/uwsgi/plugins/python/python_plugin.o sudo find / -name 'python_plugin.so' 

But no .so found. My previous system had a uwsgi install through apt-get, but that's really old (and I'm quite sure it uses the pip installed uwsgi normally, but maybe not for shared objects then?)

Some background info:

  • Ubuntu 12.0.4 LTS
  • Python 2.7 (virtualenv)
  • I've installed uWSGI in my venv, using the normal pip install uwsgi (no sudo)

So I'm a tad clueless :( I can't be the only person in the world to have this, right? Should I compile the .so objects myself? (If so, how?) Or is there another great solution?

like image 289
Carst Avatar asked Apr 10 '13 21:04


1 Answers

For anyone that is having trouble with this, basically you need to remove lines that state your plugin from your configuration files if you change from a distro package to a pypi or gem install. I was previously using the Ubuntu/Debian package for uwsgi, but it was old so I upgraded to use pip instead.

So, in my configuration .ini file, I had the following line:

plugin = python 

Removing that line fixes the problem.

like image 164
Jordan Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 10:09
