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How to share a struct between C++/DirectX and HLSL?

I'm in the process of learning C++ and DirectX, and I'm noticing a lot of duplication in trying to keep structs in my HLSL shaders and C++ code in sync. I'd like to share the structs, since both languages have the same #include semantics and header file structure. I met success with

// ColorStructs.h
#pragma once

#ifdef __cplusplus

#include <DirectXMath.h>
using namespace DirectX;

using float4 = XMFLOAT4;

namespace ColorShader


    struct VertexInput
        float4 Position;
        float4 Color;

    struct PixelInput
        float4 Position;
        float4 Color;

#ifdef __cplusplus

The problem, though, is during the compilation of these shaders, FXC tells me input parameter 'input' missing sematics on the main function of my Pixel shader:

#include "ColorStructs.h"

void main(PixelInput input)
    // Contents elided

I know that I need to have the semantics like float4 Position : POSITION but I can't come up with a way to do this that wouldn't violate C++'s syntax.

Is there a way I can keep the structs common between HLSL and C++? Or is it unfeasible, and requires duplicating the structs between the two source trees?

like image 244
berwyn Avatar asked Jan 19 '16 20:01


1 Answers

You could use a function macro to remove the semantic specifiers while compiling C++

#ifdef __cplusplus
#define SEMANTIC(sem) 
#define SEMANTIC(sem) : sem

struct VertexInput
    float4 Position SEMANTIC(POSITION0);
    float4 Color SEMANTIC(COLOR0);
like image 54
Connie Hilarides Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 11:11

Connie Hilarides