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How to select elements from array in Julia matching predicate?




Julia appears to have a lot of Matlab like features. I'd like to select from an array using a predicate. In Matlab I can do this like:

>> a = 2:7 ; >> a > 4  ans =       0     0     0     1     1     1  >> a(a>4)  ans =       5     6     7 

I found a kind of clunky seeming way to do part of this in Julia:

julia> a = 2:7 2:7  julia> [int(x > 3) for x in a] 6-element Array{Any,1}:  0  0  1  1  1  1 

(Using what wikipedia calls list comprehension). I haven't figured out how to apply a set like this to select with in Julia, but may be barking up the wrong tree. How would one do a predicate selection from an array in Julia?

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Peeter Joot Avatar asked Jan 11 '15 06:01

Peeter Joot

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1 Answers

You can use a very Matlab-like syntax if you use a dot . for elementwise comparison:

julia> a = 2:7 2:7  julia> a .> 4 6-element BitArray{1}:  false  false  false   true   true   true  julia> a[a .> 4] 3-element Array{Int32,1}:  5  6  7 

Alternatively, you can call filter if you want a more functional predicate approach:

julia> filter(x -> x > 4, a) 3-element Array{Int32,1}:  5  6  7 
like image 120
DSM Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 19:10