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CakePHP: best way to call an action of another controller with array as parameter?

People also ask

How can I call one controller to another controller in cakephp?

For doing this, first of all import controller function in your controller that function you want to call. Once you import the controller, crate an object of that controller than call the function through the created object(which have pointed the imported controller).

Can we call one controller method from another controller?

Yes, you can call a method of another controller. The controller is also a simple class.

What is beforeFilter in cakephp?

beforeFilter() executes functions that you NEED to be executed before any other action. Controller::beforeFilter() This function is executed before every action in the controller. It's a handy place to check for an active session or inspect user permissions. http://api.cakephp.org/2.3/class-Controller.html#_ ...

How do I find my controller name in cakephp?

To get the current, controller: $this->params['controller']

I would not advice to use the method requestAction but rather import, and instantiate the needed controller.

CakePHP doc says about requestAction that:

"It is rarely appropriate to use in a controller or model"


Once you imported and loaded the controller you can call any method of this controller with its parameters.

  //Import controller
  App::import('Controller', 'Posts');

  class CommentsController extends AppController {
    $Posts = new PostsController;
    //Load model, components...

    function index($passArray = array(1,2,3)) {
      //Call a method from PostsController with parameter

Would it be appropriate for you to move the logic from the second controller into its model, then do something like this in your first controller's action?

$var = ClassRegistry::init('SecondModel')->myMethod($array);

Then, in the view for the first controller's action, you can use that data.

I always try to keep controller methods to actions you can hit through the browser, put as much logic in my models, call foreign model methods from controllers actions that need data from models that aren't the model for that controller, then use that data in my views, and if it's data that is viewed frequently, I create an element for it.

As of CakePHP 1.2.5, you should be able to pass various parameter types through the second parameter in requestAction(). e.g.:

$this->requestAction('/users/view', array('pass' => array('123')));

Then in the UsersController:

function view($id) {
    echo $id; // should echo 123 I believe, otherwise try $this->params['pass'].

Instead of using 'pass' above, you can alternatively try 'form' and 'named' to pass form/named parameters respectively.

CakePHP 2.X:

App::uses('AppController', 'Controller');
App::uses('PostsController', 'Controller');

class CommentsController extends AppController {

    public function index($parameter = null){
        $Posts = new PostsController();
        //Load model, components...

        //Call a method of Posts passing a parameter