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Objective C — What is the fastest and most efficient way to enumerate an array?


I read through some articles on blocks and fast enumeration and GCD and the like. @Bbum, who's written many articles on the subject of GCD and blocks, says that the block enumeration methods are always as fast or faster than the fast enumeration equivalents. You can read his reasoning here.

While this has been a fascinating, intellectual conversation, I agree with those who said that it really depends on the task at hand.

I have some tasks to accomplish and I need them done fast, cheap, and efficiently. Apple gives us many choices for how we want to enumerate an array, but I'm not sure which to choose.

Fast Enumeration

for (id obj in array) {     /* Do something with |obj|. */ } 

Nonconcurrent Block Enumeration

[array enumerateObjectsUsingBlock: ^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {     /* Do something with |obj|. */ }]; 

Concurrent Block Enumeration

[array enumerateObjectsWithOptions: NSEnumerationConcurrent usingBlock: ^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {     /* Do something with |obj|. */ }]; 

GCD Apply

dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0); dispatch_apply([array count], queue, ^(size_t idx) {     id obj = [array objectAtIndex: idx];     /* Do something with |obj|. */ }); 

GCD Async Apply

dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0); dispatch_async(queue, ^(void) {     dispatch_apply([array count], queue, ^(size_t idx) {         id obj = [array objectAtIndex: idx];         /* Do something with |obj|. */     }); }); 

Or perhaps something with NSBlockOperations or an NSOperationQueue?

TIA, Alex.

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Alexsander Akers Avatar asked Jun 01 '11 01:06

Alexsander Akers

People also ask

What is Fast enumeration in objective-C?

Fast Enumeration was introduced into Objective-C back in the 10.5 days. It's the feature that lets you succinctly iterate through a collection: NSArray *strings = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"greeble", @"bork", @"hoover", nil]; for (NSString *thing in strings) { NSLog (@"Woo!

What is Fast enumeration?

Fast enumeration is a language feature that allows you to efficiently and safely enumerate over the contents of a collection using a concise syntax.

2 Answers

The fastest code is the code that reaches the market first.

Seriously -- unless you have a measurable performance problem, this particular choice should occupy no more of your time than it takes to answer which of these patterns fits the most naturally with my project's style?

Note: adressing a performance problem by moving from serial to concurrent execution usually results having two problems; performance & concurrency.

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bbum Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 03:09


It really depends on the task at hand.

Processing more than one iteration at a time requires spawning threads. If the logic in the iterations is parallelizable and takes more time than it would take to spawn a thread, then use threads. Also, if you have so many items in the array that it would take less to spawn a thread than to walk through the whole array, divide your array into a few pieces and process them in parallel.

Otherwise, spawning threads to iterate through the array is overhead. Even if the OS takes care of that for you, it still does need to spawn them. That takes time and resources and context switching at runtime (depending on the number of CPUs available, load, scheduler, etc).

It all comes down to whether spawning a new thread takes longer than walking through the whole array. You can find that out using the profiling tools.

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rid Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 03:09
