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How to read an external properties file in Maven

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How do I read properties file in Pom?

maven properties plugin is used to read the properties from an external file. In pom. xml, create a property under the properties tag for the property file location. On running the mvn validate command.

What is properties file in maven?

Maven supports a hierarchy of different properties to allow specifying defaults and overriding them at the appropriate level. The properties files in Maven are processed in the following order: Built-in properties are processed. ${basedir}/project. properties ( basedir is replaced by the directory where the project.

Where do I put properties tag in POM xml?

Custom Properties It can define the properties on pom. xml between <properties></properties> tags.

Try the Properties Maven Plugin

Using the suggested Maven properties plugin I was able to read in a buildNumber.properties file that I use to version my builds.


This answer to a similar question describes how to extend the properties plugin so it can use a remote descriptor for the properties file. The descriptor is basically a jar artifact containing a properties file (the properties file is included under src/main/resources).

The descriptor is added as a dependency to the extended properties plugin so it is on the plugin's classpath. The plugin will search the classpath for the properties file, read the file''s contents into a Properties instance, and apply those properties to the project's configuration so they can be used elsewhere.