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Android Studio needs JDK 7 for Android-L mac

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Is JDK required for Android Studio?

You must install Oracle JDK before installing Android Studio, so please don't start this step until you have completed Step 1 above. Download Android Studio from the following address: Android Studio Download Page.

Is Java required for Android Studio in Mac?

Android Studio requires two different JDKs: The version of Java that the IDE itself runs with. The version of the JDK that it uses to get the Java compiler from.

Can I use JDK 11 for Android Studio?

Up to Android Studio 3.5 beta 2 one could use JDK11 for compiling project by configuring it in Project Structure -> SDK Location -> JDK Location. This way Android Studio is run under bundled JDK8 but Gradle is using selected JDK11. Starting from Android Studio 3.5 beta 3 this setup is no longer supported.

Setting the directory to: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_60.jdk/Contents/Home in JDK settings solved my issue. I had the same problem getting started up. Hope this helps!

@megapoff answer is correct . But I face little difficulty to fix it . So here is the detail solution step-by-step

For Mac

  1. Download the DMG file of JDK-7 from here
  2. Click on DMG and follow the instructions . It will install and configure JDK-7 on mac .
  3. Now in your android studio go to File->Project Structure -> SDK Location .
  4. In JDK location click on browse and go to /->Library->Java->JavaVirtualMachines->jdk1.7.0_60.jdk->Contents->Home

    Note :- Its Not /System/Library it's /Library

  5. click Apply and OK .... Bingo ..... Build the project again .....

The other answers are very correct but I want to be more concise and clear. To prevent others from visiting this page multiple times unnecessarily.

Important* Old Path is /System/Library/Java... and New Path is /Library/Java... (Not under the System directory)

Replace old path: /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.6.0_0.jdk/Contents/Home

Set your new path: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_79.jdk/Contents/Home

I haven't moved over to Android Studio, yet. I've used it for a few tests and really like it. Just haven't been able to switch over yet. I've had this sort of issue in Eclipse and that's obviously a different solution, but looking through one of my test projects, this appears to be how you go about it:

Open your project and go to File->Settings.

Under the Project Settings, expand Compiler and go to the Java Compiler option. You want to use javac and set the project bytecode version to 1.7.

Hopefully that'll do it.