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How to quit Vim quickfix?



I know that when you run :make in Vim, you can use commands to go through each error like :cn and :cp. However, I often find myself scrolling through warnings that I don't need to fix. Is there a way to quit scrolling through the errors/warnings and resume editing? (I have heard that you can set Vim to ignore warnings, but I've been told it's difficult so I'm looking for something easier).

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normman Avatar asked Jul 16 '10 04:07


2 Answers

You can close the quickfix window by running:


If you want to open the quickfix window again (without having to run :make) you can run:


Even if the quickfix window is not visible, you can still move forwards and backwards through the items in it with the commands :cn and :cp.

Personally, I find the :cn and :cp commands quite laborious to type, so I would recommend mapping them to something more convenient if you use them often. The unimpaired plugin provides sensible mappings for moving through the quickfix list:

[q   :cprevious ]q   :cnext [Q   :cfirst ]Q   :clast 
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nelstrom Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 18:09


If quitting from that window is all you want you can do as suggested above


or even simply


in the errors window. Or you can simply switch windows ctrl-w+w ctrl-w+k...

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skeept Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 19:09
