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What is the Vim command to quit all open windows?



:q only closes the current window. If you are using tabs or split windows, you need to do :q for all of them. Also, plugins like NERDTree and MiniBufExpl have their own windows, which need to be closed individually.

Is there a command to quit all these open windows and quit Vim in a single stroke? However, if there is some buffer or window with unsaved changes, I should be asked to save it or not. Any command to achieve this?

I hope this is not a strange request, because this is how most non-Vim editors with tab or splits work.

like image 899
Ashwin Nanjappa Avatar asked Feb 02 '13 04:02

Ashwin Nanjappa

People also ask

How do I close an open file in Vim?

TL;DR – How to Exit Vim If you didn't make any changes, type :q and press Enter / return. If you made some changes and would like to keep them, type :wq and press Enter / return. If you made some changes and would rather discard them, type :q! and press Enter / return.

How do I stop a Vim command?

Use CTRL-Break on MS-DOS |dos-CTRL-Break|. In Normal mode, any pending command is aborted.

2 Answers

You can quit all loaded and open buffers, splits and tabs with:


If you want to quit without saving:


You could assign a mapping to do this with a single stroke, this assigns the comma to quit everything without prompting to save:

nnoremap , :qa!<CR> 

:wqall writes before closing, that might be useful.

Type :he :qa in vim for more info

like image 93
Bjorn Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 05:10


you can user the

:qall :qa 

quit all the tabs opened

then you can use the command


quit all other's tabs

if your's vim is not tabs you can use


quit all windows

like image 33
chinacheng Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 04:10
