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Vim select the ends of multiple lines (block mode, but where the ending column varies)



Is there any way in vim that I can select the end of all these lines? (I'm only showing the end of the lines in these screenshots).

In block mode I can get them all if the bottom line is longer than the rest, but if the bottom line is shorter, the longer lines are truncated.

EDIT | I guess I can just pad out the bottom line with spaces before I select, then delete the spaces later.

enter image description hereenter image description here

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d11wtq Avatar asked May 27 '12 08:05


2 Answers

  1. Put your cursor on the top-left character you want to be part of the block.
  2. Enter block selection mode with ctrl+v
  3. Select to the end of the line with $ (this is the step you're missing; if you move to the end of the first line using $ then the selection will extend to the end of subsequent lines as well)
  4. Move down 3 lines with 3j

There's more information in the Vim documentation's section on visual mode which you can read online, or just type :help v_$ in Vim.

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georgebrock Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 17:11


  1. Click somewhere (anywhere) in the first line you wish to append text to.

  2. Press Control + V.

  3. Press Down to create an arbitrary vertical block selection that spans the desired lines.

  4. Press $ to expand the visual block selection to the ends of every line selected.

  5. Press Shift + A to append text to every selected line.

  6. Type the text you want to append.

  7. Press Escape and the text will be appended across the selected lines.

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FocusedWolf Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 16:11
