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How to obtain Comparison type of priority_queue?

Most similar containers have member types like key_compare or value_compare but there none for priority_queue.

Is that because priority_queue is an adaptor? Or is this in the standard by mistake?

like image 774
Isaac Pascual Avatar asked Apr 28 '16 09:04

Isaac Pascual

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1 Answers

Yes, this is weird indeed and seems to be an oversight in the C++ standard. The standard declares priority_queue as:

template <class T,
          class Container = vector<T>,
          class Compare = less<typename Container::value_type> >
class priority_queue;

And while it specifies the following public members:

typedef typename Container::value_type value_type;
typedef typename Container::reference reference;
typedef typename Container::const_reference const_reference;
typedef typename Container::size_type size_type;
typedef Container container_type;

it for some reason omits a typedef Compare value_compare; declaration. A C++ Standard Library issue for this has been submitted to the Library Working Group (LWG) by SO user Columbo.


However, you can use the following to work around the issue.

In C++11 and later

#include <queue>

template <typename> struct GetCompare;

template <typename T, typename Container, typename Compare>
struct GetCompare<std::priority_queue<T, Container, Compare> >
{ using type = Compare; };

template <typename T>
using GetCompare_t = typename GetCompare<T>::type;

For example:

#include <type_traits>

        GetCompare_t<std::priority_queue<int> >,
    >::value, "");

In C++03 and earlier

#include <queue>

template <typename> struct GetCompare;

template <typename T, typename Container, typename Compare>
struct GetCompare<std::priority_queue<T, Container, Compare> >
{ typedef Compare type; };

For example:

int main() {
    return typename GetCompare<std::priority_queue<int> >::type()(42, 0);
like image 170
jotik Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 12:11
