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Configure C++ Google Style in CLion IDE




This is a rather easy matter in IntelliJ (and setting up PEP8 in PyCharm), but I have been googling and I couldn't find a configuration file (I presume in XML or whatever CLion uses) that I could use to configure it to adhere to the Google style guide.

Is this a "future feature" or am I missing something fundamental?

Of course, I can configure it manually, but it's a tedious and time-consuming operation; if someone has already done that, awesome and thanks for sharing!

like image 548
Marco Massenzio Avatar asked Jul 20 '15 02:07

Marco Massenzio

1 Answers

Go to Setting/Preferences | Editor | Code Style | C/C++ then click the button "Set from..." in the top right and select "Google."

like image 154
Higigig Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 23:10
