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SIG33 when debugging native Android

I'm using Android Studio to debug a NativeActivity app written in C++
In my C++ code the first thing I do in android_main() is wait 10 seconds for the debugger to attach. In the 'Debug' window I see:

Now Launching Native Debug Session

and then after a few seconds

Debugger attached to process 28458

and then right after it attaches, the debugger is stopped with a signal:

Signal: 33 (signal SIG33)

I press 'Resume Program' and then I get the same signal again and again for 7-8 times. After that, the program continues as expected, debugger attached and I am able to stop it at breakpoints.

What's the meaning of that SIG33? how can I prevent it?

like image 558
shoosh Avatar asked Dec 03 '15 08:12


1 Answers

Those can be ignored and/or silence using below GDB command-line:

handle SIG33 nostop noprint
like image 67
Top-Master Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 01:10
