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How to initialize a variable with a lifetime?




I have following code and don't know how to get it working:

fn new_int<'a>() -> &'a isize {

fn main() {
    let x = new_int();

Or another attempt:

fn new_int<'a>() -> &'a isize {
    let a: &'a isize = &5;

fn main() {
    let x = new_int();
like image 607
Hinogary Avatar asked Jan 23 '15 11:01


People also ask

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1 Answers

You can't. A lifetime parameter does not allow you to choose how long a value lives, it only allows you to communicate to the compiler that two or more references are "related" to the same memory and are expected to share the same lifetime.

A function (like new_int in your case) can allocate memory in two ways:

  • locally in an area that is allocated to the function itself and is destroyed when you return from the function (the stack)
  • dynamically in an area of memory that is common to all functions (the heap)

A reference (&) is a pointer to an area of memory. It can point to the local stack, or to the heap. Since dynamic allocations are much more expensive in terms of performance than writing on the stack, Rust uses the stack by default (you have to use a Box to perform a dynamic allocation).

So, in a nutshell, this is why your code is illegal:

fn new_int<'a>() -> &'a isize {
    let a: &'a isize = &5; // write 5 on the function's local stack
    a // return a pointer to that area of memory
} // the function ends and its stack (where I wrote 5) is destroyed
  // so the pointer I'm trying to return is no longer valid

You can either return the value

fn new_int() -> isize {

fn main() {
    let a = new_int(); // the value 5 (not a pointer) is copied into a

or perform a dynamic allocation (which is overkill in case of an isize but might make sense if you're actually working with a big structure)

fn new_int() -> Box<isize> {
    Box::new(5) // a Box allocates memory and writes in the heap

fn main() {
    let a = *new_int();

alternatively, you can allocate memory outside of the function and mutate it in the function. You don't typically do it for a primitive type, but it makes sense in some scenarios (e.g. streaming of data):

// new_int does not return anything. Instead it mutates
// the old_int in place
fn new_int(old_int: &mut isize) {
    *old_int = 5;

fn main() {
    let mut a = 2; // memory for an int is allocated locally
                   // in main()
    new_int(&mut a); // a mutable reference to that memory is passed
                     // to new_int, that overwrites it with another value

As @dk mentions in the comment below,, in this specific case (i.e. your function always returns 5 or some other statically known value, not something calculated dynamically by the function) you can also return a reference with a 'static lifetime:

fn new_int<'a>() -> &'a isize {
    static FIVE: isize = 5;

You can read more about 'static in the Rust Reference.

As of Rust 1.21, this "static promotion" is now performed for you automatically and your original code compiles. It creates the equivalent of the static FIVE.

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Paolo Falabella Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 18:10

Paolo Falabella