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Vector of Vectors created with the vec! macro contain different capacities




I have a vectormatrix_a, which contains 3 vectors, and it is initialized with the vec! macro.

Every vector should have a capacity of 3, due to Vec::with_capacity(dim), but only the last vector has a capacity of 3. The other vectors have a capacity of 0.

Can someone explain why that is?

fn main() {
    let dim = 3;
    let matrix_a: Vec<Vec<i32>> = vec![Vec::with_capacity(dim); dim];

    for vector in matrix_a{
        println!("Capacity of vector: {}", vector.capacity());


Capacity of vector: 0
Capacity of vector: 0
Capacity of vector: 3
like image 525
Dominique M. Avatar asked Aug 25 '15 11:08

Dominique M.

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1 Answers

According to the documentation, vec! is defined as:

macro_rules! vec {
    ( $ elem : expr ; $ n : expr ) => (
        $ crate:: vec:: from_elem ( $ elem , $ n )
    ( $ ( $ x : expr ) , * ) => (
        < [ _ ] > :: into_vec (
            $ crate:: boxed:: Box:: new ( [ $ ( $ x ) , * ] )
    ( $ ( $ x : expr , ) * ) => ( vec ! [ $ ( $ x ) , * ] )

In your case, it means that:

vec![Vec::with_capacity(dim); dim]

is expanded into:

std::vec::from_elem(Vec::with_capacity(dim), dim)

The definition of Vec::from_elem is hidden in the documentation, but can be found in the source:

pub fn from_elem<T: Clone>(elem: T, n: usize) -> Vec<T> {
    unsafe {
        let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(n);
        let mut ptr = v.as_mut_ptr();

        // Write all elements except the last one
        for i in 1..n {
            ptr::write(ptr, Clone::clone(&elem));
            ptr = ptr.offset(1);
            v.set_len(i); // Increment the length in every step in case Clone::clone() panics

        if n > 0 {
            // We can write the last element directly without cloning needlessly
            ptr::write(ptr, elem);


And this where the heart of the mystery is solved:

  • the element is cloned n - 1 times, for the n - 1 first elements of the vector, and then moved into the n-th slot.
  • cloning a vector does not clone its capacity, only its elements.

Thus the result you get is exactly as intended, if not as expected.

like image 96
Matthieu M. Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 17:11

Matthieu M.