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Alternate, interweave or interlace two vectors




I want to interlace two vectors of same mode and equal length. Say:

a <- rpois(lambda=3,n=5e5)
b <- rpois(lambda=4,n=5e5)

I would like to interweave or interlace these two vectors, to create a vector that would be equivalently c(a[1],b[1],a[2],b[2],...,a[length(a)],b[length(b)])

My first attempt was this:


but it requires rpois to be called far more times than needed.

My best attempt so far has been to transform it into a matrix and reconvert back into a vector:

d <- c(rbind(rpois(lambda=3,n=5e5),rpois(lambda=4,n=5e5)))
d <- c(rbind(a,b))

Is there a better way to go about doing it? Or is there a function in base R that accomplishes the same thing?

like image 370
Blue Magister Avatar asked Aug 20 '12 20:08

Blue Magister

2 Answers

Your rbind method should work well. You could also use


because R will automatically replicate the vector of lambda values to the required length. There's not much difference in speed:


#                                        test replications elapsed relative
# 2 c(rbind(rpois(5e+05, 3), rpois(5e+05, 4)))          100  23.390 1.112168
# 1                      rpois(1e+06, c(3, 4))          100  21.031 1.000000

and elegance is in the eye of the beholder ... of course, the c(rbind(...)) method works in general for constructing alternating vectors, while the other solution is specific to rpois or other functions that replicate their arguments in that way.

like image 147
Ben Bolker Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 09:11

Ben Bolker

Some speed tests, incorporating Ben Bolker's answer:

1 c(rbind(rpois(lambda = 3, n = 5e+05), rpois(lambda = 4, n = 5e+05)))
2                 c(t(sapply(X = list(3, 4), FUN = rpois, n = 5e+05)))
4                                   rpois(lambda = c(3, 4), n = 1e+06)
5           rpois(lambda = rep.int(c(3, 4), times = 5e+05), n = 1e+06)
3      sapply(X = rep.int(c(3, 4), times = 5e+05), FUN = rpois, n = 1)
  replications elapsed   relative user.self sys.self user.child sys.child
1          100    6.14   1.000000      5.93     0.15         NA        NA
2          100    7.11   1.157980      7.02     0.02         NA        NA
4          100   14.09   2.294788     13.61     0.05         NA        NA
5          100   14.24   2.319218     13.73     0.21         NA        NA
3          100  700.84 114.143322    683.51     0.50         NA        NA
like image 37
Blue Magister Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 09:11

Blue Magister