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How should I implement a "quiet period" when raising events?




I'm using a subscriber/notifier pattern to raise and consume events from my .Net middle-tier in C#. Some of the events are raised in "bursts", for instance, when data is persisted from a batch program importing a file. This executes a potentially long-running task, and I'd like to avoid firing the event several times a second by implementing a "quiet period", whereby the event system waits until the event stream slows down to process the event.

How should I do this when the Publisher takes an active role in notifying subscribers? I don't want to wait until an event comes in to check to see if there are others waiting out the quiet period...

There is no host process to poll the subscription model at the moment. Should I abandon the publish/subscribe pattern or is there a better way?

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Chris McCall Avatar asked Nov 05 '22 09:11

Chris McCall

1 Answers

Here's a rough implementation that might point you in a direction. In my example, the task that involves notification is saving a data object. When an object is saved, the Saved event is raised. In addition to a simple Save method, I've implemented BeginSave and EndSave methods as well as an overload of Save that works with those two for batch saves. When EndSave is called, a single BatchSaved event is fired.

Obviously, you can alter this to suit your needs. In my example, I kept track of a list of all objects that were saved during a batch operation, but this may not be something that you'd need to do...you may only care about how many objects were saved or even simply that a batch save operation was completed. If you anticipate a large number of objects being saved, then storing them in a list as in my example may become a memory issue.

EDIT: I added a "threshold" concept to my example that attempts to prevent a large number of objects being held in memory. This causes the BatchSaved event to fire more frequently, though. I also added some locking to address potential thread safety, though I may have missed something there.

class DataConcierge<T>
    // *************************
    // Simple save functionality
    // *************************

    public void Save(T dataObject)
        // perform save logic


    public event DataObjectSaved<T> Saved;

    protected void OnSaved(T dataObject)
        var saved = this.Saved;
        if (saved != null)
            saved(this, new DataObjectEventArgs<T>(dataObject));

    // ************************
    // Batch save functionality
    // ************************

    Dictionary<BatchToken, List<T>> _BatchSavedDataObjects = new Dictionary<BatchToken, List<T>>();
    System.Threading.ReaderWriterLockSlim _BatchSavedDataObjectsLock = new System.Threading.ReaderWriterLockSlim();

    int _SavedObjectThreshold = 17; // if the number of objects being stored for a batch reaches this threshold, then those objects are to be cleared from the list.

    public BatchToken BeginSave()
        // create a batch token to represent this batch
        BatchToken token = new BatchToken();

            _BatchSavedDataObjects.Add(token, new List<T>());
        return token;

    public void EndSave(BatchToken token)
        List<T> batchSavedDataObjects;
            if (!_BatchSavedDataObjects.TryGetValue(token, out batchSavedDataObjects))
                throw new ArgumentException("The BatchToken is expired or invalid.", "token");

            this.OnBatchSaved(batchSavedDataObjects); // this causes a single BatchSaved event to be fired

            if (!_BatchSavedDataObjects.Remove(token))
                throw new ArgumentException("The BatchToken is expired or invalid.", "token");

    public void Save(BatchToken token, T dataObject)
        List<T> batchSavedDataObjects;
        // the read lock prevents EndSave from executing before this Save method has a chance to finish executing
            if (!_BatchSavedDataObjects.TryGetValue(token, out batchSavedDataObjects))
                throw new ArgumentException("The BatchToken is expired or invalid.", "token");

            // perform save logic

            this.OnBatchSaved(batchSavedDataObjects, dataObject);

    public event BatchDataObjectSaved<T> BatchSaved;

    protected void OnBatchSaved(List<T> batchSavedDataObjects)
        lock (batchSavedDataObjects)
            var batchSaved = this.BatchSaved;
            if (batchSaved != null)
                batchSaved(this, new BatchDataObjectEventArgs<T>(batchSavedDataObjects));

    protected void OnBatchSaved(List<T> batchSavedDataObjects, T savedDataObject)
        // add the data object to the list storing the data objects that have been saved for this batch
        lock (batchSavedDataObjects)

            // if the threshold has been reached
            if (_SavedObjectThreshold > 0 && batchSavedDataObjects.Count >= _SavedObjectThreshold)
                // then raise the BatchSaved event with the data objects that we currently have
                var batchSaved = this.BatchSaved;
                if (batchSaved != null)
                    batchSaved(this, new BatchDataObjectEventArgs<T>(batchSavedDataObjects.ToArray()));

                // and clear the list to ensure that we are not holding on to the data objects unnecessarily

class BatchToken
    static int _LastId = 0;
    static object _IdLock = new object();

    static int GetNextId()
        lock (_IdLock)
            return ++_LastId;

    public BatchToken()
        this.Id = GetNextId();

    public int Id { get; private set; }

class DataObjectEventArgs<T> : EventArgs
    public T DataObject { get; private set; }

    public DataObjectEventArgs(T dataObject)
        this.DataObject = dataObject;

delegate void DataObjectSaved<T>(object sender, DataObjectEventArgs<T> e);

class BatchDataObjectEventArgs<T> : EventArgs
    public IEnumerable<T> DataObjects { get; private set; }

    public BatchDataObjectEventArgs(IEnumerable<T> dataObjects)
        this.DataObjects = dataObjects;

delegate void BatchDataObjectSaved<T>(object sender, BatchDataObjectEventArgs<T> e);

In my example, I choose to use a token concept in order to create separate batches. This allows smaller batch operations running on separate threads to complete and raise events without waiting for a larger batch operation to complete.

I made separete events: Saved and BatchSaved. However, these could just as easily be consolidated into a single event.

EDIT: fixed race conditions pointed out by Steven Sudit on accessing the event delegates.

EDIT: revised locking code in my example to use ReaderWriterLockSlim rather than Monitor (i.e. the "lock" statement). I think there were a couple of race conditions, such as between the Save and EndSave methods. It was possible for EndSave to execute, causing the list of data objects to be removed from the dictionary. If the Save method was executing at the same time on another thread, it would be possible for a data object to be added to that list, even though it had already been removed from the dictionary.

In my revised example, this situation can't happen and the Save method will throw an exception if it executes after EndSave. These race conditions were caused primarily by me trying to avoid what I thought was unnecessary locking. I realized that more code needed to be within a lock, but decided to use ReaderWriterLockSlim instead of Monitor because I only wanted to prevent Save and EndSave from executing at the same time; there wasn't a need to prevent multiple threads from executing Save at the same time. Note that Monitor is still used to synchronize access to the specific list of data objects retrieved from the dictionary.

EDIT: added usage example

Below is a usage example for the above sample code.

    static void DataConcierge_Saved(object sender, DataObjectEventArgs<Program.Customer> e)

    static void DataConcierge_BatchSaved(object sender, BatchDataObjectEventArgs<Program.Customer> e)
        Console.WriteLine("DataConcierge<Customer>.BatchSaved: {0}", e.DataObjects.Count());

    static void Main(string[] args)
        DataConcierge<Customer> dc = new DataConcierge<Customer>();
        dc.Saved += new DataObjectSaved<Customer>(DataConcierge_Saved);
        dc.BatchSaved += new BatchDataObjectSaved<Customer>(DataConcierge_BatchSaved);

        var token = dc.BeginSave();
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                var c = new Customer();
                // ...
                dc.Save(token, c);

This resulted in the following output:

DataConcierge<Customer>.BatchSaved: 17

DataConcierge<Customer>.BatchSaved: 17

DataConcierge<Customer>.BatchSaved: 17

DataConcierge<Customer>.BatchSaved: 17

DataConcierge<Customer>.BatchSaved: 17

DataConcierge<Customer>.BatchSaved: 15

The threshold in my example is set to 17, so a batch of 100 items causes the BatchSaved event to fire 6 times.

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Dr. Wily's Apprentice Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 04:11

Dr. Wily's Apprentice