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Question about C#, servers, XML




So I'm working on a project for my internship and have hit a bit of a brick wall. Unfortunately, the only people I know who are qualified to help me at the office are on vacation at the moment, and Google has been unfortunately unhelpful (or my search skills inadequate), so I thought I'd ask here.

The project is basically to make a server to mimic one that the company (which makes phone apps) already has. What I need to do is have one of their apps send a request to my server (I will have to modify the app to do this, but don't know how), and have my server reply with an XML response that the app already knows how to process. (The main purpose is so that we can see how the app responds when the real server sends it an error by simulating it on my server.)

Now, I already have a few sample HTTP requests and their associated XML responses handy, taken from simulations with the app and the real server. The app is written in C#, and currently sends HTTP web requests to the real server's online location, which responds to these HTTP web requests with XML. My server, however, will not have an online location, so the app will have to be modified to work with sockets on a local host.

My questions:

1) My boss said to create an XML file to associate certain requests with certain XML responses, but I have no idea what he means or how to do this. (He said it could also be done with a .ini file.) Does anyone know?

2) Once I have this XML file that can make these associations, how can I incorporate it into my server so that my server can check the request it received against its table of valid requests and figure out which response to send back?

3) How can one modify the app from using HTTP web requests and responses to using sockets?

If you have any questions/clarifications that you need in order to better answer this, please don't hesitate to ask me.


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user409807 Avatar asked Nov 05 '22 10:11


1 Answers

What you're describing is a web service. Unfortunately, his advice to change a setting in an .ini file make it sound like they have a proprietary system for doing this, rather than using a standard ASMX (which requires IIS) or WCF (which can either run in IIS or as a standalone service, which it sounds like is what you'd want) service.

Without more information about what they're using, I don't know that you'll be able to get much help here.

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Adam Robinson Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 21:11

Adam Robinson