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How to create a dataset from an xsd schema in Visual studio 2010

I searched for this here and on msdn but didn't find a satisfactory answer either because things changed from 2005/2008 to 2010 or I don't know how to use VS IDE. So, here is what I am trying to I have an xsd file and I want to perform searching operations on that. For that I figured that I would need corresponding classes and dataset is the way to go. I created a dataset from file system(don't want to make it complex) and trying to link the schema and xsd that I have. I also read that there is a way to create a class(ORM) such that whenever I make changes to the schema the class is also updated.

Links to MSDN articles that I read: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/yk6y3s8y.aspx


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satyajit Avatar asked Nov 06 '22 10:11


1 Answers

Yes XSD.exe will generate (among other things) a C# class and/or a dataset for a given schema (use the /c switch for generating classes and /d for generating a dataset).

If you are using VS.net 2008 (and perhaps VS.net 2010; I dont have 2010), you can right click on your project and select "Add new item" - select the Dataset template and the IDE will automatically generate the class files for you.

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DotThoughts Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 08:11
