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Tree-view Alternatives

im currently working on a project that involves listing contacts with a photo and email address, kind of like messengers contact lists.

The problem is ListView just dont cut it!

I need something that's like the MSN Live Messenger contact lists, Witch consist of a large padded area with photo(32px), And text to the right of the photo but also have the expandable headers.

Anybody give me some advice on any references i can use or if its possible to do with Tree-view can someone show me an example.

Kind Regards.

like image 972
RobertPitt Avatar asked Nov 05 '22 11:11


1 Answers

I would recommend making a WPF user control and hosting it in in an ElementHost control in your Windows Forms project. I've used WPF inside WinForms in the past and it works great.

Assuming you add an element host control onto your WinForms called elementHost1:

        elementHost1.Child = new MyWPFControl();
like image 139
Brian R. Bondy Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11

Brian R. Bondy