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Dynamically add encrypted WCF message header




We can add Message header to WCF message by adding MessageHeader attribute like this

 public class HelloResponseMessage
     public string SSN
         get { return extra; }
         set { this.extra = value; }

First question is, how secure is this, and is this working for all type of WCF bindings?

and the second question, is it possible to add encrypted header to all messages and extract in server part dynamical like this?

MessageHeader header = MessageHeader.CreateHeader("SessionKey", "ns", _key);
like image 826
Arsen Mkrtchyan Avatar asked Nov 06 '22 10:11

Arsen Mkrtchyan

1 Answers

You could use the IServiceBehavior which in turn will use a DispatchMessageInspector.

For the client proxy you would create a IEndpointBehavior which would use a IClientMessageInspector

The IClientMessageInspector would instantiate a MessageHeader or a derived type and add it to each request inside the BeforeSendRequest method.

The DispatchMessageInspector would parse each request inside the AfterReceiveRequest method and extract the header from there.

One caveat of this is that I do not think that this intent or header will be documented inside the WSDL. FOr that I think you would have to take control using a custom implemntation of the IWsdlExportExtension interface.


like image 138
REA_ANDREW Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 17:11