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How Do You Make An Assembler? [closed]




I'd like to make a simple x86 assembler. I'm wondering if there's any tutorials for making your own assembler. Or if there's a simple assembler that I could study.

Also, I wonder what tools are used in looking at and handling the binary/hex of programs.

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mudge Avatar asked Mar 19 '10 14:03


People also ask

How does a assembler work?

Assembler is a program for converting instructions written in low-level assembly code into relocatable machine code and generating along information for the loader. It generates instructions by evaluating the mnemonics (symbols) in operation field and find the value of symbol and literals to produce machine code.

How hard is it to write an assembler?

It's just tedious to write Assembler using Assembly Language or even Machine Code. The purpose of this task is to understand how to translate Assembly Language to Machine Code, it's fine to use higher level language such as C, python, java etc as long as you understand the theory behind it.

How is assembler written?

There's nothing special about how an assembler is written. All it does is parse an assembly syntax and spit out machine code for a particular architecture. If your preferred programming language can read text and write binary, you can create an assembler with it.

2 Answers

This is what you are looking for:

Assemblers And Loaders - By David Salomon. Published February, 1993 - Freely available (download here)

Of course, you are going to need the following:

  1. Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manuals
  2. AMD-64 Architecture Programmers manual
  3. Linkers and Loaders by John R. Levine (freely available)
  4. ELF File Format Specifications : System V ABI Update
  5. Microsoft Portable Executable and Common Object File Format Specification

You can always refer to implementations of Opensource Assemblers:

  1. Netwide Assembler (NASM)
  2. Gnu Assembler (GAS)
like image 83
claws Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 22:10


Just a very tiny piece of code in Delphi 7.

{$APPTYPE CONSOLE} program assembler; uses sysutils; const s1=#0#77#1#90#59#64#4#80#1#69#3#76#1#1#1#1#14#224#2#15#1#1#1#11#1#1#1#1#1#64#13+ #116#1#16#13#64#3#16#4#2#3#1#8#3#2#10#7#32#4#2#7#3#5#16#4#16#5#1#10#16#13#16#3+ #184#124#184#5#16#3#184#5#2#15#96#3#224#173#52#1#16#3#40#1#16#23#65#1#16#3#80#1+ #16#7#75#1#69#1#82#1#78#1#69#1#76#1#51#1#50#1#46#1#68#1#76#1#76#4#71#1#101#1+ #116#1#83#1#116#1#100#1#72#1#97#1#110#1#100#1#108#1#101#4#87#1#114#1#105#1#116+ #1#101#1#67#1#111#1#110#1#115#1#111#1#108#1#101#1#65#2#72#1#101#1#108#1#108#1+ #111#1#44#1#32#1#87#1#111#1#114#1#108#1#100#1#33#1#13#1#10#5#0; s3=#1#185#1#7#4#136#1#195#1#128#1#227#1#15#1#193#1#216#1#4#1#128#1#251#1#9+ #1#118#1#3#1#128#1#195#1#39#1#128#1#195#1#48#1#136#1#153#1#96#1#16#1#64#2#73#1+ #125#1#228#1#106#2#104#1#112#1#16#1#64#2#106#1#8#1#104#1#96#1#16#1#64#2#106#1+ #245#1#255#1#21#1#40#1#16#1#64#2#80#1#255#1#21#1#44#1#16#1#64#2#195; var   f:file of byte;p,i:integer;o:string;   t:text;line:string; procedure w(s: string); begin   i:=1;   while i<length(s) do begin     inc(p,ord(s[i]));     setlength(o, p);     o[p]:=s[i+1];     inc(i,2);   end; end; procedure al(b: byte); var   a: longword;pc: pchar; begin   a := strtoint(line); pc:=@a;   o := o + chr(b) + pc^ + (pc+1)^ + (pc+2)^ + (pc+3)^; inc(p,5); // mov eax, imm32 end; begin   assign(f,'out.exe');   rewrite(f);   p:=1;   w(s1);   assignfile(t, ''); reset(t);   while not eof(t) do begin     readln(t, line); line := trim(line);     if copy(line,1,8) = 'mov eax,' then begin       system.delete(line,1,8);       al($b8); // mov eax, imm32     end     else if copy(line,1,8) = 'add eax,' then begin       system.delete(line,1,8);       al($05); // add eax, imm32     end     else if copy(line,1,8) = 'and eax,' then begin       system.delete(line,1,8);       al($25); // and eax, imm32     end   end;   closefile(t);   w(s3);   blockwrite(f,o[1],p); close(f); end. 

The assembler understands only three different assembler codes "mov eax,immed32", "add eax,immed32", "and eax,immed32" and no data nor labels. It will produce a tiny Windows PE executable which outputs eax in hex at the end.

Attention: In my case avira free antivirus doesn't like the output. It's a false positive. I had to switch off the real time protection. Check the result with a debugger if you are uncertain if this is malware (It's not!)

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NilsB Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 00:10
