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Efficient integer compare function

The compare function is a function that takes two arguments a and b and returns an integer describing their order. If a is smaller than b, the result is some negative integer. If a is bigger than b, the result is some positive integer. Otherwise, a and b are equal, and the result is zero.

This function is often used to parameterize sorting and searching algorithms from standard libraries.

Implementing the compare function for characters is quite easy; you simply subtract the arguments:

int compare_char(char a, char b) {     return a - b; } 

This works because the difference between two characters is generally assumed to fit into an integer. (Note that this assumption does not hold for systems where sizeof(char) == sizeof(int).)

This trick cannot work to compare integers, because the difference between two integers generally does not fit into an integer. For example, INT_MAX - (-1) = INT_MIN suggests that INT_MAX is smaller than -1 (technically, the overflow leads to undefined behavior, but let's assume modulo arithmetic).

So how can we implement the compare function efficiently for integers? Here is my first attempt:

int compare_int(int a, int b) {     int temp;     int result;     __asm__ __volatile__ (         "cmp %3, %2 \n\t"         "mov $0, %1 \n\t"          "mov $1, %0 \n\t"         "cmovg %0, %1 \n\t"          "mov $-1, %0 \n\t"         "cmovl %0, %1 \n\t"     : "=r"(temp), "=r"(result)     : "r"(a), "r"(b)     : "cc");     return result; } 

Can it be done in less than 6 instructions? Is there a less straightforward way that is more efficient?

like image 804
fredoverflow Avatar asked Jun 12 '12 12:06


People also ask

How do you compare two integer values?

Syntax : public static int compare(int x, int y) Parameter : x : the first int to compare y : the second int to compare Return : This method returns the value zero if (x==y), if (x < y) then it returns a value less than zero and if (x > y) then it returns a value greater than zero.

Can I use == to compare integer in Java?

Now when you compare two Integer objects using a == operator, Java doesn't compare them by value, but it does reference comparison. When means even if the two integers have the same value, == can return false because they are two different objects in the heap.

Can we compare integer with int?

A int is a data type that stores 32 bit signed two's compliment integer. On other hand Integer is a wrapper class which wraps a primitive type int into an object. int helps in storing integer value into memory. Integer helps in converting int into object and to convert an object into int as per requirement.

Can you compare ints in C?

Comparing two integer variables is one of the simplest program you can write at ease. In this program, you can either take input from user using scanf() function or statically define in the program itself. We expect it to be a simple program for you as well.

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1 Answers

This one has no branches, and doesn't suffer from overflow or underflow:

return (a > b) - (a < b); 

With gcc -O2 -S, this compiles down to the following six instructions:

xorl    %eax, %eax cmpl    %esi, %edi setl    %dl setg    %al movzbl  %dl, %edx subl    %edx, %eax 

Here's some code to benchmark various compare implementations:

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>  #define COUNT 1024 #define LOOPS 500 #define COMPARE compare2 #define USE_RAND 1  int arr[COUNT];  int compare1 (int a, int b) {     if (a < b) return -1;     if (a > b) return 1;     return 0; }  int compare2 (int a, int b) {     return (a > b) - (a < b); }  int compare3 (int a, int b) {     return (a < b) ? -1 : (a > b); }  int compare4 (int a, int b) {     __asm__ __volatile__ (         "sub %1, %0 \n\t"         "jno 1f \n\t"         "cmc \n\t"         "rcr %0 \n\t"         "1: "     : "+r"(a)     : "r"(b)     : "cc");     return a; }  int main () {     for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) { #if USE_RAND         arr[i] = rand(); #else         for (int b = 0; b < sizeof(arr[i]); b++) {             *((unsigned char *)&arr[i] + b) = rand();         } #endif     }      int sum = 0;      for (int l = 0; l < LOOPS; l++) {         for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) {             for (int j = 0; j < COUNT; j++) {                 sum += COMPARE(arr[i], arr[j]);             }         }     }      printf("%d=0\n", sum);      return 0; } 

The results on my 64-bit system, compiled with gcc -std=c99 -O2, for positive integers (USE_RAND=1):

compare1: 0m1.118s compare2: 0m0.756s compare3: 0m1.101s compare4: 0m0.561s 

Out of C-only solutions, the one I suggested was the fastest. user315052's solution was slower despite compiling to only 5 instructions. The slowdown is likely because, despite having one less instruction, there is a conditional instruction (cmovge).

Overall, FredOverflow's 4-instruction assembly implementation was the fastest when used with positive integers. However, this code only benchmarked the integer range RAND_MAX, so the 4-instuction test is biased, because it handles overflows separately, and these don't occur in the test; the speed may be due to successful branch prediction.

With a full range of integers (USE_RAND=0), the 4-instruction solution is in fact very slow (others are the same):

compare4: 0m1.897s 
like image 113
Ambroz Bizjak Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 23:09

Ambroz Bizjak