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How do I limit task tags to current project in Eclipse?



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How do I view Todos in eclipse?

Go to Window → Show View → Tasks (Not TaskList). The new view will show up where the "Console" and "Problems" tabs are by default. As mentioned elsewhere, you can see them next to the scroll bar as little blue rectangles if you have the source file in question open.

What is Eclipse task list?

Task List. Use the Task List to view and manage your tasks. If the task list view is not visible, you can open it by navigating to Window -> Show View -> Other... -> Mylyn -> Task List. The Task List contains both "Local Tasks" and shared repository tasks that are stored in a task repository such as Bugzilla or Trac.

What is a tag for task?

A task tag is a predefined artifact that identifies an action that must be completed. Task tags also have priority levels. For example, a task tag can be named, FIXME, with a high priority level assigned to it. Task tags remind you of tasks that must be completed.

In Eclipse Helios (3.6) you can configure the scope.

Down arrow at the top right -> Configure Contents:

Configure Contents img

Select a configuration on the left (or create a new one) and on the right in the Scope section select "On any element in same project".

There should be a down arrow in the top-right with several options in it. For the old Eclipse the option you want is Filters... And for the newer Eclipse the option is now Configure Contents. At the top of the Configure Contents dialog is a scope selection with options you want, I think.. If not check preferences and search for tasks, or scope. It should be in there somewhere.

Close projects that you aren't working on. Tasks show for any part of the workspace, so remove projects that you arent working on by doing a close operation. (right click on the project in the project explorer and then "close project")

Configure Contents... can be used to filter to things like working sets (if you're not already using working sets, you should), but yet another way is to use Mylyn to filter out any UI elements not relevant for what you're currently working on.