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Remove "Quick Access" entry in Eclipse Juno

How do I remove the "Quick Access" text entry from Juno's CDT toolbar? I never use it and it consumes valuable space on my laptop screen.

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kyku Avatar asked Jul 18 '12 19:07


2 Answers

This bug Make "Quick access" optional and hidden by default covers it. It looks like it is not currently possible, I suggest you add your interest to the bug.

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katsharp Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 03:10


I looked for an answer to this question because Quick Access took a full row in the toolbar. Instead of removing it (Which requires too much hacking for my taste), I just removed a few toolbar buttons that I didn't use anyway, and the Quick Access shifted up among the rest of the buttons taking only an acceptable amount of space.

There is really no need for that many buttons for any one perspective. They should fit unless your screen is tiny. Customise this in Window -> Customize Prespective...

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Per Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 03:10
