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How to collapse blocks of code in Eclipse?

Some days ago my Eclipse was working fine and a +/- appeared in every block that could be collapsed (functions, classes, etc.)... but now it does appear, and I don't know how to activate that feature again.

It's Eclipse Helios, running on a Gentoo Linux box.

like image 593
Cristian Avatar asked Aug 10 '10 15:08


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Update for Eclipse Mars on Windows 10 (using inside "Search View"): Numpad * - expands all in the selected folder, Numpad + - expands ONE level below the selected folder, Numpad - - collapses previous expanded folder (or if ALL was expanded then next underlying level along WITH the expanded folder down below) in the ...

1 Answers

Preferences -> C++ -> Editor -> Folding ?

Make a right click in the editor window and go to preferences there, then only the editor-relevant section of the preferences dialog will appear. This works for JDT, CDT etc...

like image 162
IanH Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 10:10
