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How to force Eclipse to ask for default workspace?

I noticed that after installing cdt, Eclipse always loads the default workspace. The workspace listed in the config.ini in osgi.instance.area.default. Eclipse does not ask which workspace to open regardless if Prompt for workspace on startup is set or not.

How do I force Eclipse to ask which workspace to load on startup?

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michael nesterenko Avatar asked Aug 14 '11 18:08

michael nesterenko

People also ask

How do I make my Eclipse prompt for workspace?

1 Answer. Go under preferences then type " workspace " in the search box provided to filter the list. Alternatively you can go to General>Startup and Shutdown>Workspaces. There you can set a flag to make Eclipse prompt you to select a workspace at startup by checking the "Prompt for workspace at startup" checkbox.

How do I change the default workspace in Eclipse?

In Eclipse , go to File -> Switch Workspace , choose or create a new workspace.

How do I make my workspace my default?

Click your user image in the upper right to display the menu, then select Account settings. Go to Defaults > Default workspace. Click the field to display your list of workspaces, then select one as default. Click Submit.

1 Answers

It works for me if I tick the box Prompt for workspace on startup, which you can find in Window → Preferences → General → Startup and Shutdown → Workspaces.

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Andreas Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 12:09
