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How do I break a string across more than one line of code in JavaScript?

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Is it possible to break a string in JavaScript into several lines?

There are two ways to break JavaScript code into several lines: We can use the newline escape character i.e “\n”. if we are working on the js file or not rendering the code to the html page. We can use the <br> tag.

How do you break a string into two lines?

Use triple quotes to create a multiline string It is the simplest method to let a long string split into different lines. You will need to enclose it with a pair of Triple quotes, one at the start and second in the end. Anything inside the enclosing Triple quotes will become part of one multiline string.

How do I create a multiline string in JavaScript?

There are three ways to create a multiline string in JavaScript. We can use the concatenation operator, a new line character (\n), and template literals. Template literals were introduced in ES6. They also let you add the contents of a variable into a string.

What is the delimiter for multi line strings in JavaScript?

Method 1: Multiline-strings are created by using template literals. The strings are delimited using backticks, unlike normal single/double quotes delimiter.

In your example, you can break the string into two pieces:

alert ( "Please Select file"
 + " to delete");

Or, when it's a string, as in your case, you can use a backslash as @Gumbo suggested:

alert ( "Please Select file\
 to delete");

Note that this backslash approach is not necessarily preferred, and possibly not universally supported (I had trouble finding hard data on this). It is not in the ECMA 5.1 spec.

When working with other code (not in quotes), line breaks are ignored, and perfectly acceptable. For example:

  && SuperLongConditionOnAnotherLine
  && SuperLongConditionOnThirdLineSheesh)
    // launch_missiles();

Put the backslash at the end of the line:

alert("Please Select file\
 to delete");

Edit    I have to note that this is not part of ECMAScript strings as line terminating characters are not allowed at all:

A 'LineTerminator' character cannot appear in a string literal, even if preceded by a backslash \. The correct way to cause a line terminator character to be part of the string value of a string literal is to use an escape sequence such as \n or \u000A.

So using string concatenation is the better choice.

Update 2015-01-05    String literals in ECMAScript5 allow the mentioned syntax:

A line terminator character cannot appear in a string literal, except as part of a LineContinuation to produce the empty character sequence. The correct way to cause a line terminator character to be part of the String value of a string literal is to use an escape sequence such as \n or \u000A.

ECMAScript 6 introduced template strings:

Template strings are string literals allowing embedded expressions. You can use multi-line strings and string interpolation features with them.

For example:

alert(`Please Select file   
to delete`);

will alert:

Please Select file   
to delete

Break up the string into two pieces 

alert ("Please select file " +
       "to delete");

Interesting to note. Tried:

alert("Some \
    string \
    wrapped \
    across \
    mutliples lines.")

And this worked. However, on accident!, there was a space character following the final backslash (all other backslashes were at the end of the line). And this caused an error in the javascript! Removing this space fixed the error, though.

This is in ADT for Android using Cordova.