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How to detect the screen resolution with JavaScript?

People also ask

What is my screen resolution Javascript?

Answer: Use the window. screen Object You can simply use the width and height property of the window. screen object to get the resolution of the screen (i.e. width and height of the screen).

How do I find my screen resolution in CSS?

You can use device-width which will test of the screen's width in px.

original answer



update 2017-11-10

From Tsunamis in the comments:

To get the native resolution of i.e. a mobile device you have to multiply with the device pixel ratio: window.screen.width * window.devicePixelRatio and window.screen.height * window.devicePixelRatio. This will also work on desktops, which will have a ratio of 1.

And from Ben in another answer:

In vanilla JavaScript, this will give you the AVAILABLE width/height:


For the absolute width/height, use:


var width = screen.width;
var height = screen.height;

In vanilla JavaScript, this will give you the AVAILABLE width/height:


For the absolute width/height, use:


Both of the above can be written without the window prefix.

Like jQuery? This works in all browsers, but each browser gives different values.


You can also get the WINDOW width and height, avoiding browser toolbars and... (not just screen size).

To do this, use: window.innerWidth and window.innerHeight properties. See it at w3schools.

In most cases it will be the best way, in example, to display a perfectly centred floating modal dialog. It allows you to calculate positions on window, no matter which resolution orientation or window size is using the browser.

Do you mean display resolution (eg 72 dots per inch) or pixel dimensions (browser window is currently 1000 x 800 pixels)?

Screen resolution enables you to know how thick a 10 pixel line will be in inches. Pixel dimensions tell you what percentage of the available screen height will be taken up by a 10 pixel wide horizontal line.

There's no way to know the display resolution just from Javascript since the computer itself usually doesn't know the actual dimensions of the screen, just the number of pixels. 72 dpi is the usual guess....

Note that there's a lot of confusion about display resolution, often people use the term instead of pixel resolution, but the two are quite different. See Wikipedia

Of course, you can also measure resolution in dots per cm. There is also the obscure subject of non-square dots. But I digress.

Using jQuery you can do:
