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Cloning an Object in Node.js

People also ask

How do you clone in node JS?

The cloneNode() method creates a copy of a node, and returns the clone. The cloneNode() method clones all attributes and their values. Set the deep parameter to true if you also want to clone descendants (children).

How do you clone an object?

To clone an object, use the Object class's clone() method. It is the quickest way to duplicate an array. The class whose object clone we wish to generate must implement the Cloneable interface. If the Cloneable interface is not implemented, the clone() function throws a CloneNotSupportedException .

What is object cloning in JavaScript?

Cloning. Cloning in javascript is nothing but copying an object properties to another object so as to avoid creation of an object that already exists. There are a few ways to clone a javascript object. 1) Iterating through each property and copy them to a new object. 2) Using JSON method.

How many ways can you clone an object in JavaScript?

JavaScript provides 3 good ways to clone objects: using spread operator, rest operator and Object.

Possibility 1

Low-frills deep copy:

var obj2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj1));

Possibility 2 (deprecated)

Attention: This solution is now marked as deprecated in the documentation of Node.js:

The util._extend() method was never intended to be used outside of internal Node.js modules. The community found and used it anyway.

It is deprecated and should not be used in new code. JavaScript comes with very similar built-in functionality through Object.assign().

Original answer::

For a shallow copy, use Node's built-in util._extend() function.

var extend = require('util')._extend;

var obj1 = {x: 5, y:5};
var obj2 = extend({}, obj1);
obj2.x = 6;
console.log(obj1.x); // still logs 5

Source code of Node's _extend function is in here: https://github.com/joyent/node/blob/master/lib/util.js

exports._extend = function(origin, add) {
  // Don't do anything if add isn't an object
  if (!add || typeof add !== 'object') return origin;

  var keys = Object.keys(add);
  var i = keys.length;
  while (i--) {
    origin[keys[i]] = add[keys[i]];
  return origin;

I'm surprised Object.assign hasn't been mentioned.

let cloned = Object.assign({}, source);

If available (e.g. Babel), you can use the object spread operator:

let cloned = { ... source };

Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "extend", {
    enumerable: false,
    value: function(from) {
        var props = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(from);
        var dest = this;
        props.forEach(function(name) {
            if (name in dest) {
                var destination = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(from, name);
                Object.defineProperty(dest, name, destination);
        return this;

This will define an extend method that you can use. Code comes from this article.

var obj2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj1));

You can use the extend function from JQuery:

var newClone= jQuery.extend({}, oldObject);  
var deepClone = jQuery.extend(true, {}, oldObject); 

There is a Node.js Plugin too:


To do it without JQuery or Plugin read this here:
