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How to check if a JavaScript variable is NOT undefined? [duplicate]

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How do you check if a variable is not undefined in JavaScript?

Note: The undefined is not a reserved keyword in JavaScript, and thus it is possible to declare a variable with the name undefined. So the correct way to test undefined variable or property is using the typeof operator, like this: if(typeof myVar === 'undefined') .

How do you know if not equal to undefined?

If you want to check if x is strictly equal to undefined regardless of whether is has been declared or not, you should use typeof x === 'undefined' .

How do you check if a variable is defined or not in JavaScript?

Use the typeof operator to check if a variable is defined or initialized, e.g. if (typeof a !== 'undefined') {} . If the the typeof operator doesn't return a string of "undefined" , then the variable is defined.

How do you check if JavaScript variable is undefined or null?

Finally, the standard way to check for null and undefined is to compare the variable with null or undefined using the equality operator ( == ). This would work since null == undefined is true in JavaScript. That's all about checking if a variable is null or undefined in JavaScript.

var lastname = "Hi";

if(typeof lastname !== "undefined")
  alert("Hi. Variable is defined.");