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Chrome debugging - break on next click event

People also ask

How do you get to the next debug point in Chrome?

To do this, hold the Cmd/Ctrl key while you are paused at a breakpoint. DevTools displays jumpable destinations. You can then click šŸ–± to jump to that destination.

How do you debug a click event?

Right click > inspect element # On the page, right-click the element you want to debug event listeners for, then click Inspect Element. In chromium-based browsers like MS Edge and Google Chrome, click the Event Listeners tab in Developer Tools.

What you are looking for are 'Event Listener Breakpoints' on the Sources tab. These breakpoints are triggered whenever any event listener, that listens for chosen event, is fired. You will find them in the Sources tab. In your case, expand 'Mouse' category and choose 'Click'.

DevTools Event Listener Breakpoints