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Genetic algorithm resource [closed]

Lately I'm interested in the topic of genetic algorithms, but I couldn't find any good resource. If you know any good resource, book or a site I would appreciate it. I have solid knowledge of algorithms and Artificial Intelligence but I'm looking for something with good introduction in Genetic Programming.

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Siblja Avatar asked Feb 03 '09 22:02


People also ask

What are the stopping conditions for genetic algorithm flow?

FitnessLimit — The algorithm stops when the value of the fitness function for the best point in the current population is less than or equal to FitnessLimit .

When would the genetic algorithm terminate?

Commonly, the algorithm terminates when either a maximum number of generations has been produced, or a satisfactory fitness level has been reached for the population. A typical genetic algorithm requires: a genetic representation of the solution domain, a fitness function to evaluate the solution domain.

Why genetic algorithm is not used?

A high frequency of genetic change or poor selection scheme will result in disrupting the beneficial schema and the population may enter error catastrophe, changing too fast for selection to ever bring about convergence. It is not advisable to use Genetic algorithms for analytical problems.

1 Answers

Best references for me so far:

Also if you're an absolute beginner I'd suggest you to start with the Hello World of Genetics Algorithms. There's nothing like a nice clean example to get started.

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JohnIdol Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 15:09
