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Faster way to read fixed-width files

I work with a lot of fixed width files (i.e., no separating character) that I need to read into R. So, there is usually a definition of the column width to parse the string into variables. I can use read.fwf to read in the data without a problem. However, for large files, this can take a long time. For a recent dataset, this took 800 seconds to read in a dataset with ~500,000 rows and 143 variables.

seer9 <- read.fwf("~/data/rawdata.txt", 
  widths = cols,
  header = FALSE,
  buffersize = 250000,
  colClasses = "character",
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

fread in the data.table package in R is awesome for solving most data read problems, except it doesn't parse fixed width files. However, I can read each line in as a single character string (~500,000 rows, 1 column). This takes 3-5 seconds. (I love data.table.)

seer9 <- fread("~/data/rawdata.txt", colClasses = "character",
               sep = "\n", header = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)

There are a number of good posts on SO on how to parse text files. See JHoward's suggestion here, to create a matrix of start and end columns, and substr to parse the data. See GSee's suggestion here to use strsplit. I couldn't figure out how to make that work with this data. (Also, Michael Smith made some suggestions on the data.table mailing list involving sed that were beyond my ability to implement.) Now, using fread and substr() I can do the whole thing in about 25-30 seconds. Note that coercing to a data.table at end takes a chunk of time (5 sec?).

end_col <- cumsum(cols)
start_col <- end_col - cols + 1
start_end <- cbind(start_col, end_col) # matrix of start and end positions
text <- lapply(seer9, function(x) {
        apply(start_end, 1, function(y) substr(x, y[1], y[2])) 
dt <- data.table(text$V1)
setnames(dt, old = 1:ncol(dt), new = seervars)

What I am wondering is whether this can be improved any further? I know I am not the only one who has to read fixed width files, so if this could be made faster, it would make loading even larger files (with millions of rows) more tolerable. I tried using parallel with mclapply and data.tableinstead of lapply, but those didn't change anything. (Likely due to my inexperience in R.) I imagine that an Rcpp function could be written to do this really fast, but that is beyond my skill set. Also, I may not be using lapply and apply appropriately.

My data.table implementation (with magrittr chaining) takes the same time:

text <- seer9[ , apply(start_end, 1, function(y) substr(V1, y[1], y[2]))] %>% 

Can anyone make suggestions to improve the speed of this? Or is this about as good as it gets?

Here is code to create a similar data.table within R (rather than linking to actual data). It should have 331 characters, and 500,000 rows. There are spaces to simulate missing fields in the data, but this is NOT space delimited data. (I am reading raw SEER data, in case anyone is interested.) Also including column widths (cols) and variable names (seervars) in case this helps someone else. These are the actual column and variable definitions for SEER data.

seer9 <-
  data.table(rep((paste0(paste0(letters, 1000:1054, " ", collapse = ""), " ")),

cols = c(8,10,1,2,1,1,1,3,4,3,2,2,4,4,1,4,1,4,1,1,1,1,3,2,2,1,2,2,13,2,4,1,1,1,1,3,3,3,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,6,6,6,2,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,7,5,4,10,3,3,2,2,2,3,1,1,1,1,2,2,1,1,2,1,9,5,5,1,1,1,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,1,4,1,4,1,1,3,3,3,3,2,2,2,2)

UPDATE: LaF did the entire read in just under 7 seconds from the raw .txt file. Maybe there is an even faster way, but I doubt anything could do appreciably better. Amazing package.

27 July 2015 Update Just wanted to provide a small update to this. I used the new readr package, and I was able to read in the entire file in 5 seconds using readr::read_fwf.

seer9_readr <- read_fwf("path_to_data/COLRECT.TXT",
  col_positions = fwf_widths(cols))

Also, the updated stringi::stri_sub function is at least twice as fast as base::substr(). So, in the code above that uses fread to read the file (about 4 seconds), followed by apply to parse each line, the extraction of 143 variables took about 8 seconds with stringi::stri_sub compared to 19 for base::substr. So, fread plus stri_sub is still only about 12 seconds to run. Not bad.

seer9 <-  fread("path_to_data/COLRECT.TXT",     
  colClasses = "character", 
  sep = "\n", 
  header = FALSE)
text <- seer9[ , apply(start_end, 1, function(y) substr(V1, y[1], y[2]))] %>% 

10 Dec 2015 update:

Please also see the answer below by @MichaelChirico who has added some great benchmarks and the iotools package.

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Mark Danese Avatar asked Jul 12 '14 18:07

Mark Danese

People also ask

How do you read a fixed width file?

If we want to read a fixed width text file into R (or RStudio), we can use the read. fwf function. Within the read. fwf function, we have to specify the location of the file and the staring points of the data, i.e. from which line the data is shown and at which points new columns start.

How do I read a fixed width file in Python?

To efficiently parse fixed width files with Python, we can use the Pandas' read_fwf method. to define the col_specification list with the column specifications for filename. txt. Then we call read.

What is a fixed width data file?

A fixed width file is similar to a csv file, but rather than using a delimiter, each field has a set number of characters. This creates files with all the data tidily lined up with an appearance similar to a spreadsheet when opened in a text editor.

Is fixed width file a flat file?

— Fixed-width flat files are byte-oriented (measured in bytes). — It can also be line sequential, which means each row ends with a newline character. — Use Flat File Wizard to create, move, or delete column breaks. file.

3 Answers

Now that there are (between this and the other major question about effective reading of fixed-width files) a fair amount of options on the offer for reading in such files, I think some benchmarking is appropriate.

I'll use the following on-the-large-side (400 MB) file for comparison. It's just a bunch of random characters with randomly defined fields and widths:

set.seed(21394) wwidth = 400L rrows = 1000000      #creating the contents at random contents = write.table(   replicate(     rrows,     paste0(sample(letters, wwidth, replace = TRUE), collapse = "")   ),   file = "testfwf.txt",   quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE )      #defining the fields & writing a dictionary n_fields = 40L endpoints = unique(   c(1L, sort(sample(wwidth, n_fields - 1L)), wwidth + 1L) ) cols = list(   beg = endpoints[-(n_fields + 1L)],    end = endpoints[-1L] - 1L )      dict = data.frame(   column = paste0("V", seq_len(length(endpoints)) - 1L)),   start = endpoints[-length(endpoints)] - 1,   length = diff(endpoints) )      write.csv(dict, file = "testdic.csv", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE) 

I'll compare five methods mentioned between these two threads (I'll add some others if the authors would like): the base version (read.fwf), piping the result of in2csv to fread (@AnandaMahto's suggestion), Hadley's new readr (read_fwf), that using LaF/ffbase (@jwijffls' suggestion), and an improved (streamlined) version of that suggested by the question author (@MarkDanese) combining fread with stri_sub from stringi.

Here is the benchmarking code:

library(data.table) library(stringi) library(readr) library(LaF) library(ffbase) library(microbenchmark)      microbenchmark(   times = 5L,   utils = read.fwf("testfwf.txt", diff(endpoints), header = FALSE),   in2csv = fread(cmd = sprintf(     "in2csv -f fixed -s %s %s",     "testdic.csv", "testfwf.txt"   )),   readr = read_fwf("testfwf.txt", fwf_widths(diff(endpoints))),   LaF = {     my.data.laf = laf_open_fwf(       'testfwf.txt',        column_widths = diff(endpoints),       column_types = rep("character", length(endpoints) - 1L)     )     my.data = laf_to_ffdf(my.data.laf, nrows = rrows)     as.data.frame(my.data)   },   fread = {     DT = fread("testfwf.txt", header = FALSE, sep = "\n")     DT[ , lapply(seq_len(length(cols$beg)), function(ii) {       stri_sub(V1, cols$beg[ii], cols$end[ii])     })]   } ) 

And the output:

# Unit: seconds #    expr       min        lq      mean    median        uq       max neval cld #   utils 423.76786 465.39212 499.00109 501.87568 543.12382 560.84598     5   c #  in2csv  67.74065  68.56549  69.60069  70.11774  70.18746  71.39210     5 a   #   readr  10.57945  11.32205  15.70224  14.89057  19.54617  22.17298     5 a   #     LaF 207.56267 236.39389 239.45985 237.96155 238.28316 277.09798     5  b  #   fread  14.42617  15.44693  26.09877  15.76016  20.45481  64.40581     5 a   

So it seems readr and fread + stri_sub are pretty competitive as the fastest; built-in read.fwf is the clear loser.

Note that the real advantage of readr here is that you can pre-specify column types; with fread you'll have to type convert afterwards.

EDIT: Adding some alternatives

At @AnandaMahto's suggestion I am including some more options, including one that appears to be a new winner! To save time I excluded the slowest options above in the new comparison. Here's the new code:

library(iotools)      microbenchmark(   times = 5L,   readr = read_fwf("testfwf.txt", fwf_widths(diff(endpoints))),   fread = {     DT = fread("testfwf.txt", header = FALSE, sep = "\n")     DT[ , lapply(seq_len(length(cols$beg)), function(ii) {       stri_sub(V1, cols$beg[ii], cols$end[ii])     })]   },   iotools = input.file(     "testfwf.txt", formatter = dstrfw,      col_types = rep("character", length(endpoints) - 1L),      widths = diff(endpoints)   ),   awk = fread(header = FALSE, cmd = sprintf(     "awk -v FIELDWIDTHS='%s' -v OFS=', ' '{$1=$1 \"\"; print}' < testfwf.txt",     paste(diff(endpoints), collapse = " ")   )) ) 

And the new output:

# Unit: seconds #     expr       min        lq      mean    median        uq       max neval cld #    readr  7.892527  8.016857 10.293371  9.527409  9.807145 16.222916     5  a  #    fread  9.652377  9.696135  9.796438  9.712686  9.807830 10.113160     5  a  #  iotools  5.900362  7.591847  7.438049  7.799729  7.845727  8.052579     5  a  #      awk 14.440489 14.457329 14.637879 14.472836 14.666587 15.152156     5   b 

So it appears iotools is both very fast and very consistent.

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MichaelChirico Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 18:09


You can use the LaF package, which was written to handle large fixed width files (also too large to fit into memory). To use it you first need to open the file using laf_open_fwf. You can then index the resulting object as you would a normal data frame to read the data you need. In the example below, I read the entire file, but you can also read specific columns and/or lines:

laf <- laf_open_fwf("foo.dat", column_widths = cols, 
  column_types=rep("character", length(cols)),
  column_names = seervars)
seer9 <- laf[,]

Your example using 5000 lines (instead of your 500,000) took 28 seconds using read.fwf and 1.6 seconds using LaF.

Addition Your example using 50,000 lines (instead of your 500,000) took 258 seconds using read.fwf and 7 seconds using LaF on my machine.

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Jan van der Laan Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 18:09

Jan van der Laan

I'm not sure what OS you are using, but this worked pretty straightforwardly for me in Linux:

Step 1: Create a command for awk to convert the file to a csv

You can have it stored to an actual csv file if you plan to use the data in other software too.

myCommand <- paste(
  "awk -v FIELDWIDTHS='", 
  paste(cols, collapse = " "), 
  "' -v OFS=',' '{$1=$1 \"\"; print}' < ~/rawdata.txt", 
  collapse = " ")

Step 2: Use fread directly on that command that you just created

seer9 <- fread(myCommand)

I haven't timed this because I'm obviously using a slower system than you and Jan :-)

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A5C1D2H2I1M1N2O1R2T1 Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 18:09
