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In R, what exactly is the problem with having variables with the same name as base R functions?

It seems to be generally considered poor programming practise to use variable names that have functions in base R with the same name.

For example, it is tempting to write:

data <- data.frame(...) df   <- data.frame(...) 

Now, the function data loads data sets while the function df computes the f density function.

Similarly, it is tempting to write:

a <- 1 b <- 2 c <- 3 

This is considered bad form because the function c will combine its arguments.

But: In that workhorse of R functions, lm, to compute linear models, data is used as an argument. In other words, data becomes an explicit variable inside the lm function.

So: If the R core team can use identical names for variables and functions, what stops us mere mortals?

The answer is not that R will get confused. Try the following example, where I explicitly assign a variable with the name c. R doesn't get confused at all with the difference between variable and function:

c("A", "B") [1] "A" "B"  c <- c("Some text", "Second", "Third") c(1, 3, 5) [1] 1 3 5  c[3] [1] "Third" 

The question: What exactly is the problem with having variable with the same name as base R function?

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Andrie Avatar asked May 26 '11 08:05


People also ask

What is the acceptable name for a variable in R?

Variable Names Rules for R variables are: A variable name must start with a letter and can be a combination of letters, digits, period(.) and underscore(_). If it starts with period(.), it cannot be followed by a digit.

What does function () do in R?

In R, a function is an object so the R interpreter is able to pass control to the function, along with arguments that may be necessary for the function to accomplish the actions. The function in turn performs its task and returns control to the interpreter as well as any result which may be stored in other objects.

Is R case sensitive for variables?

Case sensitivity. Technically R is a function language with a very simple syntax. It is case sensitive, so A and a are different variables.

What type of arguments can a function take in R?

Arguments are the parameters provided to a function to perform operations in a programming language. In R programming, we can use as many arguments as we want and are separated by a comma. There is no limit on the number of arguments in a function in R.

1 Answers

There isn't really one. R will not normally search objects (non function objects) when looking for a function:

> mean(1:10) [1] 5.5 > mean <- 1 > mean(1:10) [1] 5.5 > rm(mean) > mean(1:10) [1] 5.5 

The examples shown by @Joris and @Sacha are where poor coding catches you out. One better way to write foo is:

foo <- function(x, fun) {     fun <- match.fun(fun)     fun(x) } 

Which when used gives:

> foo(1:10, mean) [1] 5.5 > mean <- 1 > foo(1:10, mean) [1] 5.5 

There are situations where this will catch you out, and @Joris's example with na.omit is one, which IIRC, is happening because of the standard, non-standard evaluation used in lm().

Several Answers have also conflated the T vs TRUE issue with the masking of functions issue. As T and TRUE are not functions that is a little outside the scope of @Andrie's Question.

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Gavin Simpson Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 20:09

Gavin Simpson