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Disable mouse scroll wheel zoom on embedded Google Maps

People also ask

How do I turn off mouse scroll zoom?

Disable the Pinch zoom optionIn the Mouse Properties pop-up window, select the Device Settings tab. Click on the Options button, and open the specific Synaptic settings. Inside the Synaptic Touchpad Properties window, select the Pinch zoom option. Uncheck the option associated with Enable Pinch Zoom.

How do I turn off mouse wheel zoom in Chrome?

By default, Chrome sets the zoom level to 100%. To manually adjust the settings, use the Ctrl key and “+” or “-” combos to increase or decrease the page magnification. If you are using a mouse, you can hold down the keyboard Ctrl key and use the mouse wheel to zoom in or out.

Can you disable the mouse scrolling wheel?

Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop and set WheelScrollChars and WheelScrollLines to 0. A reboot is necessary for this to take affect. This will disable scrolling, not the button itself. PS: If you open the Mouse setting in the Control Panel, it will reset those settings back to 3.

I was having the same problem: when scrolling the page then the pointer becomes over the map, it starts to zoom in/out the map instead of continuing scrolling the page. :(

So I solved this putting a div with an .overlay exactly before each gmap iframe insertion, see:

  <div class="overlay" onClick="style.pointerEvents='none'"></div>
  <iframe src="https://mapsengine.google.com/map/embed?mid=some_map_id" width="640" height="480"></iframe>

In my CSS i created the class:

.overlay {
   height:480px; /* your iframe height */
   top:480px;  /* your iframe height */
   margin-top:-480px;  /* your iframe height */

The div will cover the map, preventing pointer events from getting to it. But if you click on the div, it becomes transparent to pointer events, activating the map again!

I hope get helped you :)

I tried the first answer in this discussion and it wasn't working for me no matter what I did so I came up with my own solution:

Wrap the iframe with a class (.maps in this example) and ideally embedresponsively code: http://embedresponsively.com/ — Change the CSS of the iframe to pointer-events: none and then using jQuery's click function to the parent element you can change the iframes css to pointer-events:auto


<div class='embed-container maps'>
    <iframe width='600' height='450' frameborder='0' src='http://foo.com'></iframe>


.maps iframe{
    pointer-events: none;


$('.maps').click(function () {
    $('.maps iframe').css("pointer-events", "auto");

$( ".maps" ).mouseleave(function() {
  $('.maps iframe').css("pointer-events", "none"); 

I'm sure there's a JavaScript only way of doing this, if someone wants to add to this feel free.

The JavaScript way to reactivate the pointer-events is pretty simple. Just give an Id to the iFrame (i.e. "iframe"), then apply an onclick event to the cointainer div:

onclick="document.getElementById('iframe').style.pointerEvents= 'auto'"

<div class="maps" onclick="document.getElementById('iframe').style.pointerEvents= 'auto'">
   <iframe id="iframe" src="" width="100%" height="450" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I extended @nathanielperales solution.

Below the behavior description:

  • click the map to enable scroll
  • when mouse leaves the map, disable scroll

Below the javascript code:

// Disable scroll zooming and bind back the click event
var onMapMouseleaveHandler = function (event) {
  var that = $(this);

  that.on('click', onMapClickHandler);
  that.off('mouseleave', onMapMouseleaveHandler);
  that.find('iframe').css("pointer-events", "none");

var onMapClickHandler = function (event) {
  var that = $(this);

  // Disable the click handler until the user leaves the map area
  that.off('click', onMapClickHandler);

  // Enable scrolling zoom
  that.find('iframe').css("pointer-events", "auto");

  // Handle the mouse leave event
  that.on('mouseleave', onMapMouseleaveHandler);

// Enable map zooming with mouse scroll when the user clicks the map
$('.maps.embed-container').on('click', onMapClickHandler);

And here is an jsFiddle example.

I'm re-editing the code written by #nathanielperales it really worked for me. Simple and easy to catch but its work only once. So I added mouseleave() on JavaScript. Idea adapted from #Bogdan And now its perfect. Try this. Credits goes to #nathanielperales and #Bogdan. I just combined both idea's. Thank you guys. I hope this will help others also...


<div class='embed-container maps'>
    <iframe width='600' height='450' frameborder='0' src='http://foo.com'>  </iframe>


.maps iframe{
    pointer-events: none;


$('.maps').click(function () {
    $('.maps iframe').css("pointer-events", "auto");

$( ".maps" ).mouseleave(function() {
  $('.maps iframe').css("pointer-events", "none"); 

Improvise - Adapt - Overcome

And here is an jsFiddle example.

Yes its quite easy. I faced a similar problem. Just add the css property "pointer-events" to the iframe div and set it to 'none'.

Example:< iframe style="pointer-events:none" src= ........ >

SideNote: This fix would disable all other mouse events on the map. It worked for me since we didnt require any user interaction on the map.

var mapOptions = {
   scrollwheel: false,
   center: latlng,
   mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP

After doing some research you have 2 options. Since new maps api with iframe embed does not seem to support disabling of mousewheel.

First would be using old google maps ( https://support.google.com/maps/answer/3045828?hl=en ).

Second would be creating a javascript function to simplify embeding of a map for each comment and using parameters (it's sample code only to point location not show exact solution)

function createMap(containerid, parameters) {
  var mymap = document.getElementById(containerid),
  map_options = {
    zoom: 13,
    scrollwheel: false,
    /* rest of options */
  map = new google.maps.Map(mymap, map_options);

  /* 'rest of code' to take parameters into account */