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Google Maps API - Get Coordinates of address



People also ask

Is Google Maps Geocoding API free?

The Geocoding API uses a pay-as-you-go pricing model. Geocoding API requests generate calls to one of two SKUs depending on the type of request: basic or advanced.

How do I find the coordinates of a physical address?

On the Google Maps app, you can't pull up a context menu. To find the address for your coordinates, hold your finger down over the red pin that shows your coordinates. Then, after 1-3 seconds, the address will pop up on the bottom of your screen.

What you are looking for is called Geocoding.

Google provides a Geocoding Web Service which should do what you're looking for. You will be able to do geocoding on your server.

JSON Example:


XML Example:



Please note that this is now a deprecated method and you must provide your own Google API key to access this data.

Althugh you asked for Google Maps API, I suggest an open source, working, legal, free and crowdsourced API by Open street maps


Here is the API documentation for reference.

Edit: It looks like there are discrepancies occasionally, at least in terms of postal codes, when compared to the Google Maps API, and the latter seems to be more accurate. This was the case when validating addresses in Canada with the Canada Post search service, however, it might be true for other countries too.

Geocoding through Javascript:

A Nuget solved my problem:Geocoding.Google 4.0.0. Install it so not necessary to write extra classes etc.
