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Twitter Bootstrap CSS affecting Google Maps

People also ask

How do I make HTML map full screen?

In the below example, applying style="height: 100%;" to the body and html makes google maps full height because the div the map loads in to is a child of body . In your case, you need to add style="height: 100%;" to the relevant parent elements of #map .

With Bootstrap 2.0, this seemed to do the trick:

#mapCanvas img {
  max-width: none;

There is also an issue with the dropdown selectors for terrain and overlays, adding both these will fix the issues...

#mapCanvas img { 
  max-width: none;

#mapCanvas label { 
  width: auto; display:inline; 

The second style will sort of other issues with the terrain and overlay box in some browsers.

Give your map canvas div an id of map_canvas.

This bootstrap commit includes the max-width: none fix for the id map_canvas (but it won't work for mapCanvas).

None of these answers worked for me, so I went in to my div and looked at its children I saw a new div with class "gm-style", so I put this in my CSS:

.gm-style img {
    max-width: none;

  .gm-style label {
    width: auto; display:inline;

..and that solved the problem for me.

You want to over-ride the max-width rule in the CSS section by using max-width: none; This seems to be the way around this problem