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Remove a marker from a GoogleMap

People also ask

How do I remove a marker from Google Maps APi?

You can delete the markers by removing them from the map and then setting the array's length to 0 , which removes all references to the markers.

How do I remove a pointer from Google Maps?

When you use Google Maps to find a route to a destination, pins mark the starting point and the destination. Depending on the route, pins may also mark locations along the route, including detours. To remove any of these pins, right-click the Pin and select Remove this destination from the drop-down menu.

How do I remove a marker from Google Maps on Iphone?

To remove all markers let marker = GMSMarker(position: coordinate) // marker. icon = UIImage(named: "ic_pin_marker") marker. map = mapView mapView. selectedMarker = marker // the specific marker you want to remove or modify by set it as selectedMarker on the map.

The method signature for addMarker is:

public final Marker addMarker (MarkerOptions options)

So when you add a marker to a GoogleMap by specifying the options for the marker, you should save the Marker object that is returned (instead of the MarkerOptions object that you used to create it). This object allows you to change the marker state later on. When you are finished with the marker, you can call Marker.remove() to remove it from the map.

As an aside, if you only want to hide it temporarily, you can toggle the visibility of the marker by calling Marker.setVisible(boolean).

Add the marker to the map like this

Marker markerName = map.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(latLng).title("Title"));

Then you'll be able to use the remove method, it will remove only that marker


to clear all scribbles in the map use


if marker exist remove last marker. if marker does not exist create current marker

Marker currentMarker = null;
if (currentMarker!=null) {

if (currentMarker==null) {
    currentMarker = mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(arg0).

If you use Kotlin language you just add this code:

Create global variables of GoogleMap and Marker types.

I use variable marker to make variable marker value can change directly

private lateinit var map: GoogleMap
private lateinit var marker: Marker

And I use this function/method to add the marker on my map:

private fun placeMarkerOnMap(location: LatLng) {
    val markerOptions = MarkerOptions().position(location)
    val titleStr = getAddress(location)
    marker = map.addMarker(markerOptions)

After I create the function I place this code on the onMapReady() to remove the marker and create a new one:

map.setOnMapClickListener { location ->

It's bonus if you want to display the address location when you click the marker add this code to hide and show the marker address but you need a method to get the address location. I got the code from this post: How to get complete address from latitude and longitude?

map.setOnMarkerClickListener {marker ->
        if (marker.isInfoWindowShown){

Just a NOTE, something that I wasted hours tracking down tonight...

If you decide to hold onto a marker for some reason, after you have REMOVED it from a map... getTag will return NULL, even though the remaining get values will return with the values you set them to when the marker was created...

TAG value is set to NULL if you ever remove a marker, and then attempt to reference it.

Seems like a bug to me...