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Determine whether JSON is a JSONObject or JSONArray

People also ask

How do I check if an object is JSONArray or JSONObject?

If it's a JsonArray object, just use getAsJsonArray() to cast it. If not, it's a single element so just add it.

How do I check if a string is JSONArray or JSONObject?

JSONArray interventions; if(intervention == null) interventions=jsonObject. optJSONArray("intervention"); This will return you an array if it's a valid JSONArray or else it will give null .

How do I check if an object is JSONObject?

To check if JavaScript object is JSON, we can use the JSON. parse method. const isJson = (data) => { try { const testIfJson = JSON. parse(data); if (typeof testIfJson === "object") { return true; } else { return false; } } catch { return false; } };

Is a JSONArray and JSONObject?

JSONObject and JSONArray are the two common classes usually available in most of the JSON processing libraries. A JSONObject stores unordered key-value pairs, much like a Java Map implementation. A JSONArray, on the other hand, is an ordered sequence of values much like a List or a Vector in Java.

I found better way to determine:

String data = "{ ... }";
Object json = new JSONTokener(data).nextValue();
if (json instanceof JSONObject)
  //you have an object
else if (json instanceof JSONArray)
  //you have an array

tokenizer is able to return more types: http://developer.android.com/reference/org/json/JSONTokener.html#nextValue()

There are a couple ways you can do this:

  1. You can check the character at the first position of the String (after trimming away whitespace, as it is allowed in valid JSON). If it is a {, you are dealing with a JSONObject, if it is a [, you are dealing with a JSONArray.
  2. If you are dealing with JSON (an Object), then you can do an instanceof check. yourObject instanceof JSONObject. This will return true if yourObject is a JSONObject. The same applies to JSONArray.

This is the simple solution I'm using on Android:

JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jsonString);

if (json.has("data")) {

    JSONObject dataObject = json.optJSONObject("data");

    if (dataObject != null) {

        //Do things with object.

    } else {

        JSONArray array = json.optJSONArray("data");

        //Do things with array
} else {
    // Do nothing or throw exception if "data" is a mandatory field

Presenting an another way :

if(server_response.trim().charAt(0) == '[') {
    Log.e("Response is : " , "JSONArray");
} else if(server_response.trim().charAt(0) == '{') {
    Log.e("Response is : " , "JSONObject");

Here server_response is a response String coming from server

A more fundamental way of doing this is the following.

JsonArray is inherently a List

JsonObject is inherently a Map

if (object instanceof Map){
    JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
else if (object instanceof List){
    JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();