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Google Maps JavaScript API RefererNotAllowedMapError

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Is JavaScript Google Maps API free?

The Maps JavaScript API uses a pay-as-you-go pricing model. Maps JavaScript API requests generate calls to two different SKUs depending on the type of request: map loads or panoramas.

I know this is an old question that already has several answers, but I had this same problem and for me the issue was that I followed the example provided on console.developers.google.com and entered my domains in the format *.domain.tld/*. This didn't work at all, and I tried adding all kinds of variations to this like domain.tld, domain.tld/*, *.domain.tld etc.

What solved it for me was adding the actual protocol too; http://domain.tld/* is the only one I need for it to work on my site. I guess I'll need to add https://domain.tld/* if I were to switch to HTTPS.

Update: Google have finally updated the placeholder to include http now:

Google Maps API referrer input field

Come on Google, you guys are smarter than the API Credential page lets on. (I know because I have two sons working there.)

The list of "referrers" is far pickier than it lets on. (Of course, it should be more forgiving.) Here are some rules that took me hours to discover:

  • The order in the list is important. Moving your URL up in the list may make it work.
  • "http://" prefix is required.
  • Even "localhost" needs it: "http://localhost/foo/bar.html"
  • A trailing * as a wildcard seems to work as if it is a string compare.
  • Even with "http://localhost/foo/bar.html", "http://localhost/foo/bar.html?arg=1" will not work. (Will a wildcard help?)
  • For both prod dev, have (at least) two rows: "http://localhost/foo/bar.html" and "http://my.site.com/foo/bar.html"
  • A port number (8085? 4000?) does not seem to be necessary.

There are probably other rules, but this is a tedious guessing game.

Wildcards (asterisks) ARE NOT allowed in the subdomain part.

  • WRONG: *.example.com/*
  • RIGHT: example.com/*

Forget what Google says on the placeholder, it is not allowed.

According to the documentation, 'RefererNotAllowedMapError' means

The current URL loading the Google Maps JavaScript API has not been added to the list of allowed referrers. Please check the referrer settings of your API key on the Google Developers Console.

I have the Google Maps Embed API set up for my own personal/work use and thus far have not specified any HTTP referrers. I register no errors. Your settings must be making Google think the URL you're visiting is not registered or allowed.

enter image description here

I tried many referrer variations and waiting 5 minutes as well until I realized the example Google populates in the form field is flawed. They show:


However that only works if you have subdomain. or www. in front of your domain name. The following worked for me immediately (omitting the leading period from Google's example):
