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Lightweight Javascript DB for use in Node.js [closed]

People also ask

Which DB to use with Node js?

Node. js supports all kinds of databases no matter if it is a relational database or NoSQL database. However, NoSQL databases like MongoDb are the best fit with Node.

What database can I use with JavaScript?

Node. js can be used in database applications. One of the most popular databases is MySQL.

Can I use JavaScript in Node js?

Node. js allows you to run JavaScript on the server.

For which Node js is not recommended?

js receives a CPU bound task: Whenever a heavy request comes to the event loop, Node. js would set all the CPU available to process it first, and then answer other requests queued. That results in slow processing and overall delay in the event loop, which is why Node. js is not recommended for heavy computation.

I had the same requirements as you but couldn't find a suitable database. nStore was promising but the API was not nearly complete enough and not very coherent.

That's why I made NeDB, which a dependency-less embedded database for Node.js projects. You can use it with a simple require(), it is persistent, and its API is the most commonly used subset of the very well-known MongoDB API.


Lokijs: A fast, in-memory document-oriented datastore for node.js, browser and cordova.

  • In-memory Javascript Datastore wih Persistence
  • In-Browser NoSQL db with syncing and persisting
  • a Redis-style store an npm install away
  • Persistable NoSQL db for Cordova
  • Embeddable NoSQL db with Persistence for node-webkit

LokiJS to be the ideal solution:

  • Mobile applications - especially HTML5 based (Cordova, Phonegap, etc.)
  • Node.js embedded datastore for small-to-medium apps
  • Embedded in desktop application with Node Webkit


NeDB seems to be what you are looking for. From the blurb:

Embedded persistent database for Node.js, written in Javascript, with no dependency (except npm modules of course). You can think of it as a SQLite for Node.js projects, which can be used with a simple require statement. The API is a subset of MongoDB's. You can use it as a persistent or an in-memory only datastore.

Take a look at http://www.tingodb.com. I believe it does what you looking for. Additionally it fully compatible with MongoDB API. This reduces implementation risks and gives you option to switch to heavy solution as your app grows.
