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How to use comments in Handlebar templates?

People also ask

How do I comment in a Mustache file?

You are trying to comment on mustache template that also has html in it, so you actually have to add mustache comment where the mustache code is and html comment where the html code is.

Which is better EJS or handlebars?

EJS is way faster than Jade and handlebars. EJS has a really smart error handling mechanism built right into it. It points out to you, the line numbers on which an error has occurred so that you don't end up looking through the whole template file wasting your time in searching for bugs.

What is the difference between HBS and HTML?

HTML is the language that browsers understand for laying out content on a web page. . hbs stands for Handlebars, the name of a tool that lets you write more than just HTML. When you start an app with ember serve , your templates are compiled down to something that Ember's rendering engine can process more easily.

The newest version of Handlebars has block comments support :

{{!-- {{commented expressions}} --}}


Just add an exclamation mark after the opening brackets.

Normal Expression:


Commented Expression:


Use this way in your handlebar template file.

<div class="entry">
  {{!-- only output author name if an author exists --}}
  {{#if author}}
    <h1>{{author.firstName}} {{author.lastName}}</h1>

The comments will not be in the resulting output. If you'd like the comments to show up, then use HTML comments.

<div class="entry">
  {{! This comment will not be in the output }}
  <!-- This comment will be in the output -->

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